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  1. Dwerg

    Wings blow out

    Same with mine. Paking worn out and not replaced in time
  2. Dwerg

    Oooooh $&@? moment

    Ons Lebombo 4x4 trip het my oë bietjie oop gemaak vir die krag van 'n olifant. Vir ander, daar is plek plek waar hulle staal spoorwee rails as droppers in die draad gebruik. Party van hulle staan gebuig soos 'n geknakte tannestokkie
  3. Dwerg

    Another 450 from China

    Saw some report of a rally bike. Keen for EICMA
  4. Dwerg

    Old enough for proper garage?? Weskus se storie..

    Ek wag nog heeltyd vir daai twee om kop uit te steek
  5. Dwerg

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Ever the lady
  6. Dwerg

    EICMA 2024

    Standard Apex on current model is 170mm. The one in this picture seems to have clickers though EDIT: Didn't know the current spoke version has clickers too
  7. Dwerg

    Why was the G450 considered to be so bad?

    The bike really surprised me because I also only heard negatives. The chassis/suspension was great, especially surprised my in rocky sections. Clutch will always be a little weird though
  8. Dwerg

    New GS F850 rider in Hermanus

    Welkom. Eks ook in Vermont. PM my jou nommer as ek jou op die bike groepe moet sit of sommer net om 'n bier te gaan drink
  9. Dwerg

    Sold 2016 Husqvarna 701 Enduro

    Stem. Eks uit en uit Honda fan maar hulle het my jare lank maak KTM koop teen my wil
  10. Dwerg

    The Injury Database - ATGATT Advisory

    I need one for protection from my wife at this point 😄
  11. Dwerg

    Kobus se Honda 450 Rally - Continued

    Ek het ook al baie gedrool oor die bike. Bly hy kom weer aan die lewe
  12. Dwerg

    The Injury Database - ATGATT Advisory

    Naweek van die 21e September
  13. Dwerg

    The Injury Database - ATGATT Advisory

    Went to Tankwa Rally thinking I am Pol but got my poepol handed to me. Came down hard on my shoulder. Spiral fracture the entire length of the collarbone and snapped in half. Couple of ribs. Sure my Leatt 6.5 saved a few more injuries Fixture. If you get the option, have the op. Comfort levels...
  14. Dwerg

    Lowvelders to the Richtersveld

    You have much higher standards than me but those shacks are objectively horrible. I looked like I had chicken pox from all the mozzie bites. Great place and people though
  15. Dwerg

    Tarting a Tiger 900RP & CRF450L

    Op die ou end 2 weke gevat
  16. Dwerg

    Tarting a Tiger 900RP & CRF450L

    Some new goodies. Luggage rack made up kindly by @Lars . Temu footpegs, proper chain (stock was stuffed after 4000km), smaller rear sprocket, Tubliss and new tyres, fresh oil. Off to Tankwa rally on Friday
  17. Dwerg

    Seen Bike(s) on Facebook

    Toer hy of trek hy?
  18. Dwerg

    KTM Trouble

    My 790 het sommer in stukke in gebreek. Al wat hulle kon red was die cam
  19. Dwerg

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Jy vat ons ouens laag. Eks te kort om te duck walk