1200GS Clunking

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Race Dog
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
AJS (all models)
During the last coulple of weeks I heard intermittend clunking noises on the GS - thought it might be my imagination even thought it might be a "loose" rocker arm.  Just to make sure I went by the dealer earlier today.  Apparently it is the hydraulic tensioners on the timing chains.  A job card was opened imediately and the new parts ordered, the replacement will be done under warrantee as soon as the parts arive.

Just some details on the problem.

The noise was more prevalent during cold starts, ususally when the engine was under power for a short burst, the noise could be heard as well as standing a traffic lights.  Sometimes the noise dissapeared as the engine warmed up.

I did not notice any influence on performance and was assured by a very helpfull Donovan at Continental Cars that besides the noise, riding the bike, as is, until the parts arive will not cause damage or result in the chain(s) slipping from the rails.
