3 day round trip from JHB - suggestions?

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Pack Dog
Feb 26, 2012
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The stars have aligned and it's possible that a long weekend has been presented to me this weekend - which means I could possibly do a trip longer than a day ride.
We're looking to do a trip that would take 1 day riding out to place (leave Johannesburg at around 2PM/3PM on Friday) and arrive just in time for dark. Then we can spend the whole Saturday in the area riding the different routes and exploring - the things we'd normally do on our weekend breakfast routes in and around JHB. We'd leave our kit at the base station where we slept over on Friday evening so we would be able to travel lightly. Then we'd take a leisurely ride back on Sunday morning to try arrive back at around lunch time.

The options I thought of so far have been:
Swaziland - easy enough to make the border in time, then we can spend the whole of Saturday in Swaziland. We did a trip there a while back, and I just felt we could have done more if we had whole extra day - we drove in Saturday AM and out again Sunday midday. Would be cool to have a whole day there.
Clarens and Lesotho foothills - I'm not sure of the riding in the area around Clarens. It would be nice to do Golden Gate, but what are other offroad options in the area? Maybe hit Verkykerskop?
Sabie - I'm quite excited about this area, but I don't know it that well. There are nice hills and places to ride here that I've heard of. We've gone kayaking in the area a bit, so I know there are some trails there, I'm just not sure of where they are.
Waterberge - I've heard this is really awesome, but I'm not sure of the routes here. How good is it for a long weekend trip?

So... those are the options on the table at the moment, but I'd like to see if there are other ones. At this stage it seems I might go on a solo trip, unless my 2 other riding mates get their act together and can Friday off as well. If I'm going solo I don't want to do anything to extreme incase something goes wrong.

Any other suggestions worth exploring?