A short ride - report

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Race Dog
Jan 31, 2006
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The bottom... and digging
Adulting seem to be easier for some. From an outside perspective, it seems that everything just falls into place, and people proceed to live happily ever after. The End.

This weekend, from the outside it would appear that everything fell into place, and it came to fruition, that my son and I Could go on our first ride together. Each on their own bike.

He got a job last year, and asked If I could help him buy a bike. He is ineligible for finance, due to the fact that he just started working, and has no credit score.

He chose a 690 duke as his first ride (he is partial towards the naked, streetfighter look)

The bike was typical KTM, and spent more time in the shop waiting for parts, than time on the road.

Then a couple of weeks ago, and inattentive cager decided to suddenly change lanes, rendering the bike uneconomical to repair. A couple of roasties later (through the riding gear) a new bike was on the horizon. (Get up and climb back on the horse, they say.)

Finance was done again, and I took delivery of a Z900 on his behalf. The folk at the dealership, thinks I am the bee's whole leg for "buying" my son a bike. (This is once again where from the outside perpective things look different to what they are) He is paying me every moth for Finance and Insurance, I am purely the legal entity.

Back to this weekend.

We met at my house, had a coffee and took a leisurely ride towards black horse brewery.

We rode a section of the cradle, through Mulderstdrift past Avianto, an out towards Hekpoort via the Caves road. Did a bit of an extra loop through sleepy Hekpoort, and ended up at Black Horse in time for Brunch.


Bikes needs to be photographed.

We browsed the curio shop, and found “the internet” as it was used prior to the 90’s

It was and still is weird, having a conversation with one’s child, who is an adult, about adult things, like work, finance, and of course bikes.
After a lekker brunch, we headed back home. Took Hekpoort up again, this time the lack of traffic allowed us to enjoy the couple of sweeping corners a bit, and then it was back past the caves, past Rion and Lhino reserve to Beyers Naude. The road was nice and quiet, and quite picturesque, the Highveld is very green at the moment from all the rain.

Made it back home just after 1pm.

In Conclusion, I probably want to say that, I didn't really ever think this would be a thing, where I ride bikes with my son. I really do appreciate it, and it did offer me some insight, and hindsight, where I guess all the suffering, screaming, shouting, disciplining, and wondering WTF did I do to deserve this is all worth it in the end.
I had some of the best adv rides with my son - wonderful memories!!!
Sadly he is working for a certain bike shop for almost a year now - and they are literally (if there's no organised bike"event" sponsored by them) only off on Sundays, Good Friday, Christmas & Boxing day - no leave either!!!:mad: So much for the Labour Law!
So my rides have dried-up as well as my interest in the bike industry alltogether...
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Sjo @Grootseun - last time I saw you, you were just a seun, on a 650, now your seun is old enough to ride with you. Farkit, time flies.

Great to see you sharing time with the lad. Awesome memories are/will be made. Enjoy it.
Ja @Leo , feels like yesterday when we rode together. Still feel like a seun, it also feels like nothing much has changed other than the difference between the number of this year, and the number in my ID book.

It creeps up on one, this age thing, and how things move forward without ( in my case) thinking about it too much.

Thanks for the kind comments to all, I have been fortunate, my son has expressed his gratitude towards me on numerous occasions. He specifically mentioned sacrifices, difficulties etc, and I can tell you, that there is nothing more heart wrenching than the bittersweet feeling of hearing that, where as a parent, we want only the best for our kids, knowing we probably could have done better, but still receive the gratitude for what we have done.

I am getting a bit deep here, but I am happy to share, these are after all just characters on a screen.

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