David van Breda
Now I know some might have been bored out of their skulls by my GSA engine failure chronicles but I was amazed by the positive and constructive reports and discussions that ensued. Several in the form of PM's . . .
One such PM probably summarize the collective attitude of the WD community and I tell you, it humbled me a bit! I did not know there are still such minded people around. It was a lesson in unselfishness to me hoor...!
I will post his message to me and you can make up your own minds.
One such PM probably summarize the collective attitude of the WD community and I tell you, it humbled me a bit! I did not know there are still such minded people around. It was a lesson in unselfishness to me hoor...!
I will post his message to me and you can make up your own minds.
Hi David
Ek het my fiets verlede Saterdag by Hoghland in Bethlehem gaan haal. Ek sou hom eers later kry, maar hy het aangekom en hulle het nie geweet of hulle hierdie jaar nog een sou kry nie.
Ek het nog twee ander fietse en kan sonder hierdie een klaarkom. As jy hom wil neem, het ek nie 'n probleem om hom aan jou af te staan nie. Ek sal uiteraard net deur BMW op my gemak gestel wil word dat hulle hom sal vervang, met 'n datum wat darem nie te onaanvaarbaar is nie.
Hy is wit met die rooi en swart sit en het nou 281km op - die afstand van Hoghland af na my toe plus die 9km wat hy gehad het toe ek op hom geklim het. Hy is nie geregistreer nie.
Laat weet maar as jy belangstel.