Air Age Exhausts

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Adventure MX

I have it on good authority that KTM SA have approached Air Age and have placed an order for Slip on's for the 990 adventure bikes.  This is very good news as we can now assume that Akropovic is not the only recognised brand for these bikes.

Furthermore, I have also been told that a 690 and another bike was sent in to the factory to have developments done for aftermarket slip on's.  Not only does this open the door that other brands are acceptable for these bikes, but the pure fact that they have chosen Air Age to manufacture their order is a very good sign of the trust they have in one of the Best local manufacturers South Africa has.  This means that the pipes are seen to have the quality that is required to maintain the image of a KTM motorcycle.

So, for those that have been sceptical about the Air Age exhausts may now have peace of mind.

For any further enquiries about these exhausts please feel free to contact me.

Adventure MX