ANOTHER Molopo trip

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Grey Hound
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, Colorado
Hildebrand & Wolfmuller (all models)
Yes, yes, I know Ama is planning one, but I'm in Cape Town and me and a maat or two are going to do it from the south (it's kind of complicated enough to explain).

So we're trailering the bonies up to Molopo Lodge (in Andriesvale) then we're heading west via Vanzylsrus,  through Morokwena and on to Bray where we'll turn back and start to follow the Molopo. From there on to McCarthy's rest border post, over to Tshabong in Botswana and then back down, all along the river until we end up back at the Bokspits border post (near Andriesvale).

Now, from Tshabong to Bokspits it is about 260km. Can one do it in one day? How is the terrain. All three of us are quite confident sand riders, so it's not like we're going to shit barbed wire. But if it is very sandy one might break it up into two sections and camp along the way.

I see there's a faint road on Googly Earthy. How sandy is it? Do we have to ride the riverbed?
I ask these questions cos I smaak to travel very light. As it is, I'll have to strap on a 10 lt jerrcan to the HP2 (HPN tank will only arrive to grace Xmas stocking in Dec  :'() and I don't like to pack as much shit as a lot of okes on the forum. It reminds me too much of kids and I dislike the little shits so much I don't have any.

Ergo, if we can do Tshabong to Bokspits in one go, we will (in theory, at least) be able to do it by sleeping in guest houses. Or if we only have to camp one evening, I'm going to follow the advice of my mate Johan Bakkes and pack a frozen, vacuum packed steak or two. He still eats steak three or four days into a Fish River Canyon hike by doing this.

The reason for our small group is the fact that we know one another, we have ridden together and we trust one another's riding abilities. And because it will be a 'work trip' I'm going to run a tight ship. It also helps that all three of us are quite partial to rum...  ;)

So sorry for not inviting maats along.