Are You having and AFFAIR ---?

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Grey Hound
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Faerie Glen
Husqvarna (all models)
Just wondering how many riders out there are having an Affair  ::)------- with their bikes of course.
While --Servicing my one Hussy last week i just could not get myself to even think of letting someone else even touch her. Thus the Question are you having and affair with your bike --
Servicing her regularly--
Checking her out and stroking her as required-
Spending time with her-
Not letting her get out of hand--when things get tough-
Foreplay--letting her warm up properly-
Talking softly to her as you are riding her-
Just sitting sometimes and staring at her headlight-
Saying good night to her--every night-

Or are you one of the LAZY ones who just ride her and when she breaks  :( send her to the local dealer who will just give her a one day stand and run over and tell you how stuffed she is and what she is going to cost you to get her mobile again  :peepwall: