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I say eventually because it's been on my list of places to go for a while as well as we eventually got there after going elsewhere first. Lots of pic's so I will post in a few installments.

Day 1. Home (The Big Smoke) to Nieu Bethesda.


Left home at 6 bells on the 15th December and joined the stampede for the coast. The plan was to hit the N1 all the way to Colesburg and then Middleburg to Nieu Bethesda. Long hot and tedious are words that come to mind but as we had a few overnight stops we had to make we decided to get to where we wanted to be ASAP.


Kroonstadt for a Wimpy double grease and chips for breakfast and then Bloem to lie under the tree on the grass and take in the sights at the Engen.


I have never seen so much traffic on the road to Cape Town, thank dog for bikes.
Anyway we eventually got to the very quaint town of Nieu Bethesda with 60 permanent residents. A very nice hut to overnight in at 100 bucks each, oh yes it was just Mrs. Steady and I. Supper for 65 bucks a head was an outstanding meal at the local pub and grub, consisting of biltong soup and lamb breedie. Fantastic.


Not much to look at from the outside but it was clean, comfortable and spacious. We were also the first guests to stay at "Thousand Stars" self catering and were well received. The rain arrived in the early hours and the am sky looked ominous.

Day 2. Nieu Bethesda to Knysna.


As was to be the case for the rest of the trip, our luck was in and we hit the road early as the rain took a break. Into Graaf-Reinet for breakfast and then onto another very quaint town called Uniondale for morning tea.


Prince Alfred's Pass Coffee Shop.

The rains had had a fair go at washing away the road to Avontuure but we were able to get thru and then over Prince Alfred's Pass to Knysna.









We stayed on Leisure Isle with some old friends who have retired there and now take it upon themselves to decimate the fish population in the lagoon.

These two grunter were caught by yours truly.


And then we did the usual touristy things like see the sights from a Morris and feed the wildlife!



Day 3. Knysna to Plett (long ride!)

Great spot Knysna but the squatters are getting closer, and they have the best views in town!

Then it was onto Plett to more friends for a night. Took the turn off into Plett down the main drag and ended up in a traffic jam at lunch time. Took a look around and it was wall to wall with suv's decorated with GP number plates! WTF! Where am I? Sandton had come to the sea. FFS's. A u-turn and back to the N2 and onto the road to Robberg. My mate has a spot on the beach next to Robberg Nature Reserve, far from the crowds but it may well be swamped by next year in the rush to get a place on the beach by the Vaalies. Actually there were lots of visvoete from Slaapstadt  there as well. And any squatters who missed out on the prime land in Knysna moved down the road to Plett, how bad can it be?



Had a paddle on the sea the next morning and then it was onto the Baviaans. Will post more tomorrow.
Day 4. Plett to Patensie

Another short ride via St Francis for lunch, does the wind ever give it a rest in that place?

On to Patensie and a bit past to Tia Ghee tented camp, about 4km's from the main road out of Patensie. Run by a couple, excellent food and comfortable accomodation in tents.



Day 5. Patensie to Willowmore

Into the Baviaans ....eventually




It had been fairly dry there so the river crossings were a non event really. It got hot, real hot, 39 degrees hot. Good thing the rivers were not dry and we took a few swims in the very clean, cool water. Lekker.










Lekker man !! Good to have you back !
Looks like a nice trip and some good riding :thumleft:

Oh, welcome back, you have been very quiet!
The best of the Baviaans was to about 1/2 way thru from the Patensie side. Then a few houses and a lot more establishments offering accommodation and quad rides etc.


Into Willowmore to pick up a few steaks and so on then out of town about 25km's to the Angora - Mohair Cottages, located on an Angora goat farm, for an overnight stay. Checked in and took a cold shower after a long hot day. After a while my mojo started to return so when Farmer Brown pitched up and offered us the executive tour we jumped at the chance to find out more about goats hair! Turns out the old boys son now a 5th generation farmer runs the show so he has very little to do and had probably been waiting to take us around since lunchtime. Very informative and interesting as the old guy knew his stuff. Back to our hut for a braai and a very relaxed evening in the Karoo. Nice and quiet out there.





Day 6.

Next morning we were off early to try and beat the heat, turned out to be a lot cooler than the previous day so when we found no place with a bed at Gariep Dam we ended up heading straight home, such a pleasure on a comfortable bike. What did stand out for us most about our short trip was that we live in a beautiful country which makes riding an absolute pleasure.
