Baviaans one nighter.

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.....survived very well, thank you!!!!!!!
Just a small "babalas" the next day!
We drank all of our water out with the whisky on saturday night and had nothing left on Sunday morning, we had to go to Rooihoek and bum water off of some campers. Also the monkeys (or ghost) stole Michaels toothpaste.

Apparently there is a spook at Smitskraal, anyone know about this?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is exactly the type of behaviour that makes it more difficult for others to enjoy the kloof. FYI Smitskraal is a day visitors site and permits are needed if you want to overnite (If you had permits u would also have known that you are not alowed to camp at Smitskraal).  Was it really necessary to burn a whole tree???

Next time please plan your trip and pay for your campsites AND wood.

I also hope that you had no Wild Dog insignia - I (and I would think other wild dogs) would just hate to be associated with this kind of behaviour
What are you on about the tree was DEAD and not sure what the difference would be if you burnt 1 piece or the whole thing? And as far as the camping out....fine it would seem that you aren't supposed to camp overnight there, but I am not sure who this harmed or how it would affect the wilddog name? This is also not the first post I have read where some one camped out in the Baviaans in a "non registered camp site". As far as being assosciated with "this kind of behaviour" I am not quite sure what part you referring to but I am quite sure that enjoying ride through the Baviaans on your scoot and camping out in the bush doesn't go against the Wilddogs spirit. As far as the "illegal camp site" well I had no idea this was the case and would quite easily made the same mistake but besides this who made the camping rules and why..... So that Bisho can pocket the money and do nothing about the state of the roads etc.......hmmmm 
I will stick my long neck out and agree with Jedi. I had no idea that it would be a problem to camp there and as for "burning the whole tree",it was dead and just lying there so I would go as far as to say that the guys were cleaning up the area a little. As far as I can see, the guys were having a great time in a great place and did no harm. As a Wild Dog, I am happy to be associated with them, and Rone,relax and enjoy the ride,I'm sure that you have done a few things that you maybe shouldn't have on one or two of your rides.
Nice report, guys. Hope you are enjoying your new bikes
Burning trees and illigal camping aside  ;D. Looks like a bloodly lekker ride. Thanks for the report!!
Couzzie, if your intentions are good,no harm was done and you cleaned up after had a blerrie good trip.

There is clearly a lack of knowledge here regarding behaviour in National Parks / Wilderness areas, Here is a small extract:


Recreation Sites
* Permits are required for all recreation sites    (big signs at Kondomo and other places)
*Sites are clearly marked for overnight camping or day visitor use. (Smitskraal clearly says no camping)
*Site may be used for their designated purpose only.
*Camp only in your designated campsite

*Fires are only allowed in demarcated braai areas.
*As firewood may not be collected within the wilderness area bring wood with you. ( I can just imagine that tree on the back of a KTM)

Take out everything that u bring in.
*Cigarette butts, bottle caps and sweet wrappers are litter too
*Pick up spilled food.
ect. ect. ect.

Come on Guys, Lets follow to these rules
Ag Rone relax man - jy ruk die dam onder die eend uit gaan preek eerder vir die studente wat gereeld amok in die Baviaans maak.
In the spirt of the "Wild Dogs community" a friendly reply reminding some people of these facts would have gone down a lot better than the "parental" scolding you dished out on your first reply. As I mentioned before, call it ingnornence but I was not aware of these restrictions and would have quite happily done the same, blisfully unaware. Anyway as mentioned by dustsucker...the intentions were good and no harm was done and we are now better informed. 
KTMjedi said:
the intentions were good and no harm was done and we are now better informed. 

I agree. Education is better than confrontation - a mistake commonly made by the Greenies.

I consider myself a conservationist and I believe that most WD's are pro conservation. I myself only learned recently that wood may not be collected for firewood. Luckily I was informed by the highly knowledgeable Sir Gravellot in a non-confrontational way.

Now we all know.

Information is power.
Quote from the second post:

"Check the cool fire (we carried all the wood in on our bikes and the little saw was for cutting the meat"

They were perfectly aware of what they were doing.  Excusing them on the grounds of ignorance is a case of ignoring the blatant evidence.  My recollection is that there is a notice right there saying no camping.

Bad behaviour in Gamkaskloof had bikes banned.  This sort of thing jeapordises our chances of continued access to Baviaans.
Nope - Still waiting -  talk is that it will be in SA 3rd week in March and on dealer floors 1st week in April. Now if only the Salesman will follow the waiting list and not the buddy system then I will be a very happy man early April. KLE was sold within 12hours - Now riding an Aprilia 650 and this time I'm not advertising until I signed on the dotted line.
Rone said:
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is exactly the type of behaviour that makes it more difficult for others to enjoy the kloof. FYI Smitskraal is a day visitors site and permits are needed if you want to overnite (If you had permits u would also have known that you are not alowed to camp at Smitskraal).  Was it really necessary to burn a whole tree???

Next time please plan your trip and pay for your campsites AND wood.

I also hope that you had no Wild Dog insignia - I (and I would think other wild dogs) would just hate to be associated with this kind of behaviour

Hi Rone

Please go and introduce yourself in the intro section before confronting members. That way we'll know who to m*er and when to run away. :D  Link posted below.
:laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4: Gooi mielies Cappie, gooi mielies.
Hi Rone

Please go and introduce yourself in the intro section before confronting members. That way we'll know who to m*er and when to run away. :D  Link posted below.

Wow ... slow down on the aggresion there Captain, I bruise easily.  It would also be nice if you practise what you preach - dont see you anywhere on that link you so kindly provided.

Nice photo of the entrance to the Baviaans. Thank you also for providing a nice close-up of the rules

As for the salute,,,,,  I'll try not to stoop that low

Rone said:
Hi Rone

Please go and introduce yourself in the intro section before confronting members. That way we'll know who to m*er and when to run away. :D  Link posted below.

Wow ... slow down on the aggresion there Captain, I bruise easily.  It would also be nice if you practise what you preach - dont see you anywhere on that link you so kindly provided.

Nice photo of the entrance to the Baviaans. Thank you also for providing a nice close-up of the rules

As for the salute,,,,,  I'll try not to stoop that low



I joined a long time ago..... and i wasn't agressive.... i put a smiley in the post.... that means i'm joking ;)