Baviaans with some Friends - 30/31 August

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Race Dog
WD Supporter
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Suzuki DR650
Ok, its seems despite of the weather the east cape dogs were out in force.

I had the fortune of meeting and riding with some pretty cool guys this weekend.
Our plan was to leave early Saturday morning and ride gravel all the way to Patensie
and from there to Rooihoek in the Baviaans for the evening.

Me, Big E, Sakkie and Deon shot through to Rocklands for some fuel and to meet
up with Theo at the Longmore Forest turn off. We made a quick adjustment to the
XT's chain and then we where of. The guard at the Longmore gate signed us in and
waved us of. Our fierce leader for the day was Sakkie, taking us on a great ride through the
gravel roads of Longmore State Forest. From there we had a quick refresher
next to the Gamtoos river.

Sakkie again led us on some pretty spectacular trails all the way to Patensie. We refueled
and started our way towards Rooihoek.

Bliksem, I was cooking in my ATGATT. I was expecting cold weather, and was in thermals too.

Anyway, we had a good trip out to Rooihoek and finished the day of with a swim/wash
in the river near camp. Mike(the organiser)and Strider arrived around 20h00 I think. They came
via Elandsriver and did the Baviaans section in the dark. Respect to the men.

We had a lekker kuier and hit the sack around 22h00. I awoke around one 02:30 as the
initial front blew in, hard rain and lots of wind. We awoke to cold and relatively dry morning.

After coffee we packed up camp and pointed the bikes toward the water crossings further
down the road. Mike on the DRZ400 gave us all some crossing lessons(with his daughter
on the back), and then the weather pitched. Rain and wind. We pretty much escaped the
weather until we exited the wilderness area, then it his with all its fury. Rain, wind and hail.
Man.... I took all that the Djebel was offering and headed for Padlangs, the next point
we would meet up as a group.

Big Thanks to Helga(Sakkies wife) for driving the support vehicle and taking all our camping kit for us.
To Theo, Sakkie, Deon, Big E, Mike and Strider, it was great riding with you guys, The best !!!!!
Will definitely do another one... The Hell maybe?

Please guys, feel free to ad to the post, I know we did not nominate any one to write a report,
so add your thought if you want, I hope you will!

PS..... I forgot my camara, so thanks to the guys for all the pictures. I can take zero credit, hope
you don't mind me posting them.


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Cool ouens, lyk lekker. Jislaaik sou gelike het om dit te doen!
Helga het ons luggage met die 4X4 uitgevat, ons is nog nie so tuff soos
groot honde nie, eendags sal ons ......meskien
Hey Jman......Dit sou great gewees het as jy kon saam kom! Wanneer is jou arm reg, ons is lus vir
Die Hel, meskien 20ste Sept?

Gaan jy al heel wees teen daai tyd?
Yes Herms
Nee jong my skroewe kom eers begin Oct uit, dan is dit rehab. :(
Jul moet maar lekker ry, ek dink ek gaan vir my eerder 'n canoe kry, lyk my daar is lekker riviere in die Bav...
Jislaaik dit lyk na 'n lekker ride! Gooi nog foto's!
Hey Trailrider, jy gaan die een laaik!!


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Thanks Herms vd lekke report, nou's ek off-the-hook!
Dit was ñ great trip!
Soos Herms vertel het, so plus-minus 2km voor d einde van d grondpad het ons hael en heavy reen gekry aldie pad tot by Padlangs...maar al was ek sop nat en het ek my eiers af gevries,  sou ek dit vir niks wou veruil!
Thanks ouens en Helga vir d support vehicle
Awesome. En julle het nie eens moeg of nat gelyk by Padlangs nie. Dankie vir die RR, ek wil dieselfde trip doen. Net nie seker van Longmore Forest nie, ek hoor daar is in totaal 800km pad.