Between Shopping and a Sunday Lunch

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My sister-in-law landed at 20:40 from Israel. I was happy. My wife was happy, her sister was coming at long last. I was happy cause I had just had 2 hours of brotherly bonding with my KTM 950 Adventure. My proad stallion had returned from its 7500km service from KTM Western Cape. I had fetched him at 15:30 after dropping him off the previous day.

I had been a bit scared dropping him off, after hearing so many stories about their service.  So I snucked a couple of beers outa the fridge, and started disassembling my bike. I was going to make sure everything they said would be done, was done.  (Was going to be a piece on the service of KTM, but Iâ??ll rather just shut-up!) :angryfire:

So back at the airport, I was smiling. Man I was happy. My wifeâ??s sister would take precedence over me, which would leave me and Katoom to fend for ourselves. Hie-haaa! You see why I was smiling? I smiled even more later when I was informed by the two of them that they were going malling the next day, and as long as I could be back by 12:00 I could gooi mielies!

At 05:40 I awoke to a stunning day.  Coffee in bed for my wife, kisses, lovies, grap my kit, down the stairs, into my study, grap the maps, dress, two eggs and four slices of bread, eat while checking out the map, kiss my wife goodbye, I was outa here!

I had noticed a road on my most recent Map Studio between Tulbach and Gydo Pass, near Op-die-berg. However I could not find it on Google Earth. So I was going to check this out. Started on the N7 after zipping through the taxi rank, catching some lekker air over a speed hump, to the shock of the locals. Ha ha. Was my revenge. Almost missed the exit. Slid back around the traffic light and onto the road past De Noon. Man I loved this bike. Have I told you how I loved this bike. Man I loved this bike, dammit. 140 in 4th, its was going to be a lekker day. ;D

Took all the backroads and gravel to Malmesbury, tar to Tulbach, and into the town centre. There was no such road, I was informed by a local bru. Eish.

Was a old fire road. You can walk it, but even on a mountain bike, you would have to carry it a lot of the way. So okay. That was that then. I messed around just before the pass back. Thought I had seen a old road next to the railway through the pass. Was a dead end, so back to tar again.

Through the pass and onto a gravel road to Riebeeck-kasteel. It was  my first time in this town, so I drove through it at 60km/h standing n the footpegs and looking down at everything. I waved a couple of Harley riders. Man I am actually a friendly okie. :)

So out the town, through Riebeeck-West, and found a gravel road in the right direction, Malmesbury.  The country side was green, the dams full. Man I love this place. Through the farms I sped, Katoom straining at the bit. I refuelled in Moreesburg then outa town and onto gravel with Darling my next destination. After I crossed the tar road between Hopefield and Malmesbury I had my first vicious tank-slap. It was so hectic that I hurt my right hand in the process. I stopped, nursed my hand a bit and set forth again. I would have more of these on this road. Started me thinking on what causes a tank-slap. So if anybody could enlighten me, please post bru!  ???

After Darling I went for the West Coast road. Was nice. Even figured out how to take pictures with my cellphone while riding. The only tricky part was when I had to ride the bike with the phones display as my only view of the road. Maybe I should rather get a helmet cam, but then again, what am I going to do on tar when boredom sets in.

Mad a quick pic stop in Yzerfontein, then off again! So sorry for the lack of picks. I didnâ??t think it would be a story-telling ride, but again, every ride is a story.

I was back at home at 12:00. I had done 350km in 6 hours. Not too bad. But half of it was on tar. Oh well. Onto the couch in front of the telly. Not even the Boks loss, could dampen my spirits. Especially after I heard that we would be having lunch at the parents in Hopefield the next day, and I could go with the bike. Hahaha. Mission 2 was born.


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Sunday morning. 07:30. Yeah, I know. Its a bit late. But hey man, its Sunday!  ;)My morning routine consisted of much the same as the previous day. I saddled Katoom, and we headed North. I was supposed to be in Hopefield at 11:00. That left me with about 4 hours to do my thing. My plan was to go as far as possible up the West Coast, then at 10:00 I would turn wherever I was and hightail it to Hopefield.

The morning started misty, and a bit chilly. Dressed in my MX kit, I was a bit underdressed. I had a lightweight jacket in my Camelback, but stopping would deduct riding time, so I would just have to suck it in! I passed two riders on Goldwings. Man that looked comfy. Flippen easy chair with wheels. As I passed them at 160, I waved, and I could swear Katoom smaaked showing them his ass!  ;D

After the turn-off to Saldanha the traffic thinned out,  it was nice and open road. But it was still tar. And as my previous handle was â??No-Tarâ?? (I made up a new name, want to make a sticker out of that name!), I saw a turnoff to the railway service road and followed that until reaching Elandsbaai. The road was in pretty good shape, and I reached Elandsbay at 10:00.



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I smsâ??d my wife, then took-off like a bat-outa-hell for Redelinghuis. The road was sandy, but at last I had figured out how to solve the tank-slap scare. I would stand on the pecs in a crouch then hang with my weight to the rear on the handle bars. This would steady the steering and I could get up some speed, although the road was thick with sand. As I entered Arora, I saw a gaggle of bikes. (gaggle: what's a gaggle  ??? ;D)

It was a group from Kawasaki Helderberg. I had bought my KTM from them, and my Dakar is currently standing on their shop-floor. I stopped and spoke to Graham Johnson.

They were on a weekend mission, and had overnighted at Elandsbay. One oke was nursing a hang-over, so it seemed it had been a lekker party the previous evening. As they were going my way, I joined them.

There was another KTM 950 leading the way, and I followed him, even managing to take some pics of the riders behind me.  He new of this great gravel road to Moreesburg, and soon I was hot on his heels, doing 95km/h on a farm road (twee spoor),  closely followed by the dude with a hangover on a KLR 650. After a couple of kâ??s the leader picked up speed, and him and I was going large on the KTMâ??s.


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Man these bikes just chow bad roads for breakfeast.  >:D We reached a farmgate, and stopped.  Two other riders reached us. The rest was MIA. They had stopped due to the road condition being a bit hectic, and Graham was still recovering from a knee operation. KTM-dude decided to send a rider back to fetch them. Hangover-dude just lay on his arms on his bike. For a dude with a hangover, he was damn quick on that KLR 650! Hats-off!!

I couldnâ??t stay, it was 11:00. I snapped a couple of quick pics, asked for directions, then followed the arrow on my GPS. The road was great, some scary sandy bits, some nice jumps, man it was lekker. I reached Hopefield at 11:20. Still in time for lunch.

After lunch my wife and I split up. Driving her BMW, she would take the tar home, promising not to drive faster than 120, and I would take the back roads home. We would see who wins.

I took the first gravel turn-off on the Hopefield to Malmesbury road, and entered sand-valley. This part of the world wasnâ??t called the Sandveld for nothing. Slip-sliding along I reached Darling then found another dirt turn-off just out of town. This was a great piece of road. It twisted through the hills and farms and ended up on the West-Coast road. I turned toward Cape Town. 40km to go. 15minutes, according the GPS.

I reached home at 16:00. I had covered 460km in one day. It was fun. My wife had won!  :'( Maybe next time!  ;D


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Nice going there Camelman. Yip the Katooms eat gravel for breakfast, lunch and supper with a couple of mountain passes for sacks. >:D