Bike Rallies - Who Goes?

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Race Dog
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Ducati Hypermotard
While suffering the latest on BikeSA TV last night (as you can gather I don't like it, but there is bugger all else to watch) I was struck by Mr. Fourie's advertising for the Rhino Rally in Harrismith.

Phrases such as "Shananagin Road" were used in the context of doing wheelies, burn outs etc.

I have only ever been to one rally (The ill fated Paradise in Graskop 3 years ago) Personally I was astounded and to a degree disgusted by some of the things I saw there, I know some folk like these activities, but for a normal run of the mill bloke like myself it was beyond fun.

I am wierd? Or do other Wilddogs share my sentiments that the rally scene is for the "other type" of biker. Or should I say for the biker, and not the motorcyclist

Besides that I point blank refuse to enrich that awful little man Fourie any further.