I bought the bike 2 months ago from Trevor here in Durbanville. Bike had 1x owner for most of its life before it transferred to Trevor and then me. Not sure if there was a short period of owner between trevor and original owner. The service book is included, but looks like the owner did some the services himself since COVID.
The bike was a commuter and is really neat.
Known issues:
There is a slight tear on front left corner of the seat and left heated grip doesn't heat as much as the right side.
Upgrades / Fixes made:
Trevor put in a new petrol gauge when he got the bike and also rechromed the exhaust headers.
I added a 2nd hand-top box and new UltraLED projector spots / fogs to the bike.
No signs of offroad use.
There is now 111 900 km on the clock. I got it at 110 500 km about 2 months ago.
Location: Durbanville
Price: R85 000 neg
The bike was a commuter and is really neat.
Known issues:
There is a slight tear on front left corner of the seat and left heated grip doesn't heat as much as the right side.
Upgrades / Fixes made:
Trevor put in a new petrol gauge when he got the bike and also rechromed the exhaust headers.
I added a 2nd hand-top box and new UltraLED projector spots / fogs to the bike.
No signs of offroad use.
There is now 111 900 km on the clock. I got it at 110 500 km about 2 months ago.
Location: Durbanville
Price: R85 000 neg