Canal Roads / Beestekraal Stasie / The Rock

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Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
Canal Roads / Beestekraal Stasie / The Rock

Leo always refer to our Club as “Our fearless motorcycle club” when he writes a ride report of a ride that he did with the club, and today that proved to be correct.

We planned to do the Brits Canal Roads for our October Club ride. I have done these roads a few times before, but never in the wet. I have read some ride reports here on Wild Dogs where these roads have been done in the wet, and it looked like a royal mudfest.

So it was no surprise when we gathered at the starting point this morning in the rain, that only a handful of riders were prepared to tackle the canal roads after the rains of last night.

“dakardrix” on the forum was to be the leader of the ride today on his “red” lewensgevaarlike 800GS.

My bike standing next to our good Brazilian friend, Bruno’s 1200.

Bruno’s bike ready to rock.

 :thumleft: :thumleft:
The tar roads were pretty wet after the rain of the previous night, so I was very happy when we hit the first canal road just after Harties. The canal roads were beautiful. No dust, no mud, just the best gravel you can hope for. The group made good time and it was clear to see from all the powerslide marks in pretty much every single corner, that the guys were having a blast.

We encountered some mud patches here and there, but nothing to cause any rider any problems at all.  

Some pics:
Marnus (WD member)

Smoke/Pee stop

A crossing at an overflowing plaas dam


All to soon the canal roads were behind us, so we took the railway service road to Beestekraal Stasie for some brekkie and beer.

On this service road, our Brazilian Fighter Pilot friend, lost it on the 1200, in a muddy rut. He went flying, with the bike pointing in the other direction, we was doing a fairly decent speed and the bike spun around a few times, but no harm done to bike or rider. The soft muddy landing helping to soften the blow on rider and bike.




After a nice breakfast at Beestekraal Stasie we headed to the Rock close to Jericho. Four of us rode to the top (NOT via Koos se klim  :eek: :eek:). Myself on the X-Challenge, Drix on the 800GS, Deon on a Dakar and Marnus on the 1200GS. The view from the top was just awesome, with everything busy turning green after the first rains of the season. We then headed back on dirt via De Wildt.

Thanks to all who joined in!!

Some pics: Man I love this bike!!!

My baby on the klip:





I tried to do a few panoramas, but I still need some practice...


Thanks for reading!!!!

:biggrin: :biggrin:
Nice Report KnopKop, looks like you guys had fun.
Some pics from my side.

At one point we were riding at speed next to the railway track.  It was smooth and wide.  The end however was quite steep and abrupt.  Nobody told me about that, so I thought I'd let Knopkop & Droogie find out for themselves  ::)

Yep... we took the "easy" route up the klip...  Well, if you see a 1200 up on top, it didn't go up Koos se Klim  >:D

What goes up, must come down.  What goes down, must come up.  What goes up and down... well...  :mwink:




Bruno... after he had removed the pretty flower arrangement from the crash bars  :D

Some sections were somewhat slippery and most of the crossings were water crossings after the rain.  But for the most part, the soil was loamy with plenty of grip and the best - no dust!

Thanks Dakardrix & Knopkop.  We'll work on that Koos se Klim ok?
Nice RR even though I cant open the pics....mmm that rock is awesome and as you say the views are awesome  :thumleft:
madmike999 said:
Nice RR, what club is this sound like lots of fun?!

BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, and no, you don't need a BMW to join the Club or join on the Club Rides.

:mwink: :mwink:
KnopKop said:
madmike999 said:
Nice RR, what club is this sound like lots of fun?!

BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, and no, you don't need a BMW to join the Club or join on the Club Rides.

:mwink: :mwink:

But I have 3  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

could you pm me more details asb
madmike999 said:
KnopKop said:
madmike999 said:
Nice RR, what club is this sound like lots of fun?!

BMW Motorcycle Club Pretoria, and no, you don't need a BMW to join the Club or join on the Club Rides.

:mwink: :mwink:

But I have 3  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

could you pm me more details asb

done  :thumleft: :thumleft:

Wow, super pics on that rock.  :thumleft:    Looks like you guys had loads of fun on your ride.

thnx for sharing
