Cape Town Toy Run 2013 - Your thoughts or feedback?

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Apr 11, 2011
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I did the Toy Ride again yesterday and was wondering why no-one ever gives feedback on the ride, the highlights and lowlights?

The weather was perfect, but the route I think needs to be changed. That last stop-ride-stop-ride in Wynberg killed my enthusiasm.

Man, and the bikes!! I wonder how much money was standing at Maynardville at around 1pm? 

Any sources that can tell us how many toys were collected?

Ja, wat kan n man nou se...KTM 990's hou nie van n mass ride in 35'C+ nie! Nog nie veel verander oor die jare nie! Daar was niks nuut die jaar nie, maar dit gaan vir n goeie doel, so ek sal volgende jaar vir my 8ste Toyrun gaan!
I was keen to go to Cape Agulhas to meet the others and Jo ,but my missus was keen to stay at home as it was hot and she was gonna be away from home the whole week.
So I decided to gp and do the toy run. Decided to take the 990 but as Katvis said,it does not like slow speeds and high temps.
I was at Grand West and when the guy on the mike said we would be leaving in an hours time,I though norrafok am I standing in this heat any longer.
I jumped on the bike, navigated my way through a whole lot of bikes and headed off towards Maynardville. Had a lekker chilled ride and encountered a few others with similar thoughts.
I stayed at the venue for a while then headed off,not before buying some ACF 50 from their stand.
I think the organization was very good this year,and Grand West is way better meeting point than the market last year.
I stopped doing Toy Runs two years ago. Too many bikes for the venue and the ride too slow and cramped. I don't see why there can't be similar events in smaller towns, say Paarl or Worcester or maybe even a bit further away to take the pressure off of Wynberg. Maybe have 10 or 12 venues throughout the Western Cape and the same with the other provinces. As justasurferdude says, the stop start is a pain in the ass.
whitedelight said:
I jumped on the bike, navigated my way through a whole lot of bikes and headed off towards Maynardville. Had a lekker chilled ride and encountered a few others with similar thoughts.

This thought crossed my mind as well on the day, but my pillion said the whole idea is riding in a group and sort of talked me into staying. Next time I am doing exactly what you did! I'll drop my toys early and wait for everyone else to arrive.

Maynardville, however, was not without its problems.

When the Toy Run convenors were granted access to the park late on Friday, they found that all the stand-pipes had been stolen, so there was no water supply. Most of the electricity supply points weren’t working and the ablution blocks were non-operational.

Quick action by stall-holders on Saturday provided pipe and fittings for water and a jury-rigged electricity supply, while the Toy Run committee scrambled to provided portable ablution blocks.

Toy Run committee vice-chairwoman Glynis Coetzee said: “Ever since Western Cape Premier Helen Zille called the Toy Run ‘an iconic Cape Town event’ we have felt that we were in partnership with the City in hosting the Toy Run.

“This year it didn’t feel like a partnership, it felt like they kept rolling rocks in our way.”

The Toy Run is by its nature a family event, and the riders were disappointed to find that the city’s new liquor bylaws barred under-18’s from the beer garden and prohibited them from joining their families under the trees for a quiet drink.

Coetzee said: “The draconian enforcement of these regulations – at an event of more than 30 years standing with no history of alcohol-related incidents - was forcing the bikers to choose between their beer and their children.

“Some resorted to lifting smaller children over the beer-garden fence; others simply went home early.
Thanks Grrr. The beer garden complaint is a bit over the top though. The whole grounds were available for families to walk and sit. Why do you want to take children into the beer garden? A beer garden full of slightly intoxicated men is hardly a place for children to be.
Choose what you want to do. Spend time with the family, or drink  :amazon:
We always look forward to the Toy Run..!

Besides being a great initiative to collect Toys for so many needy Kids, for me, over the years, its always been a great time to hook up and meet and see old & new pals again and catch up. Amazing, how so many old mates also own a motorcycle of some sort.

This year we again decided to join the masses from Ottery and do the ride from there and on hindsight, I think this will be my last "mass" Toy Run ride...! Next time, we will go straight to Maynardville..! It's kinda sad, because for us a Toy Run is not a "Toy Run" without the "ride".

My main concern, its now just to dangerous to ride in the Mass Ride...!

Firstly, what is up with oke's that need to be hitting the "hard tack dop" at 09H30 in the morning? What is the logic, they are riding a flippen beast of a suppabike in a "mass" ride and they are  klapping bottles of Jack Daniel before the ride...!

Secondly, these little "pricks" screaming around out of control in between the Bikes on their 150cc Bikes and Scooters during the "slow moving" pace of the Ride. Couldn't give a rats arse if they fell but the hassle was that they made it most unpleasant to negotiate the slow pace of the ride.

Thirdly, I watched as a tjop on a "cruiser" of sorts, in front of me laughed hysterically when his pillion, a young kid, kicked over a couple of traffic cones separating a lane along Settlers Way. This was really scary and when I managed to pull up past him and shouted at him, he then encouraged the kid even more. He needed a klap...! Man, that was so stupid.

Then at the bottleneck to Maynardville, the heat of the day and the ride was getting to every Rider and their Bike then you have these "goons" on their "crotch rockets" weaving through and coming in from the sides and pushing in between everyone, making the already tight gap even tighter. Geez, lotsa tension there but actually so unnecessary.

Maynardville, the venue itself, seemed pretty organised but I did see & hear the Folk getting "grumpy" 'cos they couldn't leave the Beer Garden with their beers.

But the positive was the huge amount of really generous Bikers donating so many Toys that will put a huge smile on so many little kids faces...!
I will keep quiet about the Ottery side of Cape Town, but the group departing from Grand West had nothing of this. All were well behaved and the ride was a pleasant one. It was a hot day - nobody can control the weather - but our group was well behaved. Try the northern group next time  :thumleft:
The only thing that bothered me of the Grand West start was the prices the food stalls charged.  Freaken shocking.  I asked a stall for two 500ml cokes and I gave them a R50 and the lady gave me R20 back and I was like no this cant be possible.  As I walked back I thought let me rather ask if it is right and yup R15 a 500ml coke

My one vriend paid R120 for three burgers and two drinks.

Very hectic.
I dont do the mass ride anymore. We go their directly. 2 things. I felt that the allocated space outside the beer tent was to small. You are not allowed to take our drink out. I am okay with that, but then you mark off this small space with a couple of tables and expect everybody to fit in there. The other thing was the opening of the gates at 10:00. I feel this is a bit late. but maybe it was due to the issues around the water pipes and electricity. Otherwise, very hot. We left by 11:30 as the beer tent got just to busy and once you have seen the stalls you have seen them all.
Jacobsroodt said:
Thanks Grrr. The beer garden complaint is a bit over the top though. The whole grounds were available for families to walk and sit. Why do you want to take children into the beer garden? A beer garden full of slightly intoxicated men is hardly a place for children to be.
Choose what you want to do. Spend time with the family, or drink  :amazon:

The problem is, I went with my kid.
Wanted a beer, but he wasn't allowed into the bar or beer garden, and the bouncers didn't want to look after him.
Not like I could leave him.

without a beer to quench my thirst we left early.

It did seem very crowded this year - maybe the venue is getting too small?