Cape Town via the west coast

  • Thread starter David van Breda
  • Start date
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David van Breda

This trip was not a statement of any sort.  Neither was it to proof anything to anybody.  I was just in the mood.  With all the exposure here on the forum and seeing all the nice pictures and reading all the ride reports I just had to get away.  My initial idea was to go to Botswana but that might have been a bit premature and inappropriate at the moment.

So I decided to go down to Cape Town riding along the west coast as much as possible.  I had some business in Cape Town and it came in handy as an excuse if I needed one!  In the end it was really down to spending some time on the bike and seeing if I liked it or not!  I have never done more than about 400km on one go and I was curious as to how nearly a 1000 will feel!

Thursday morning was still an embryo when I left Windhoek.  To say I was excited sneaking into the garage and dressing up would be a huge understatement.  It was pure ecstasy when I eventually pulled my helmet on with The Verve singing Bittersweet Symphony into my ears and the garage door sliding open.  The boxerâ??s muffled drone through the empty dark streets cleared the last cobwebs of short dreams from my head and soon I was swinging thru the mountains south of Windhoek.  It was a cool 18 degrees with a hint of rain in the air.  I had the panniers packed with the port side one holding my notebook and tools with extra water and loose shit.  The starboard one had all my clothes and toiletries and other soft shit.  The topbox carried my camera, water, mini tripod, extra boots and loads of small loose things.

My intension was to make it to Springbok and book in at Klein plasie lodge in town and spend the day with my business partner going over a few issues.   He had a camping trip planned for the weekend and invited me with.  I agreed to go camp on the beach the Friday night.  He promised me that it was a â??harde soutpadâ?? all the way down to the coast.  Most of it was hard with some loose gravel and quite lekker to ride on but his memory failed him though on the last 15kms through the dunes!  Harde pad my ass!  Fcuk I struggled and blixemed down on 3 occasions, hurting my shoulder the one time.  In the end I was glad that I bit the bullet and made it to the spot on the beach! 


Sunrise south of Rehoboth.


The long straight roads and 40+ degrees sunshine made me do it officer, I am real sorry!!


Lekker nice bungalows at Klein Plasies in Springbok.


GPS fitted!

In Springbok, Carel gave me his GPS mounting bracket once fitted to his Dakar.  It worked fine althought part of the plastic section below broke off the next day on the severe corrugations I encountered.  I fixed it with ducktape and it sits lekker now!

I left Friday at around midday with two Land Cruisers in tow to Garies 115kms south of Springbok.  After I refueled we took the gravel road to Kotzesrus about 50km south west of Garies.  The temperature fell to the early 30's as we came closer to the coast.


Refueled at Garies!


Hout motorhek tussen Garies en Kotzesrus


Kotzesrus in the distance.  Yip, that is the complete town!


Old house in Kotzesrus

After Kotzesrus we headed off to Waterval.  From here onward, the roads does not even appear on T4A!  I made it without mishap to Waterval which is just a name for a spot in the area where miners tried there luck long ago.


Start of the sandy dune track near Waterval!

To be continued . . .

It was very cool to have met you the other day.

I take it the fact that you are posting now about it says you had a safe trip back home ?

This is an awesome photo!


Yes Eisbein,

It was great to have met you guys!  We arrived at 0300 this morning after two rasther hectic days in the south of Namibia.

I really enjoyed the trip!
Good to meet you at the V&A, glad you got back safe.

Great report so far!!!
That sunrise pic: AWESOME! :thumleft: Enter it in the monthly competition. It's a beauty!
Hey wag in spanning!!! so far so good!! wil self gaan die weskus van Springbok se wereld af explore tot hier ini kaap einde maard!! wil graag sien hoe daai paaie lyk!!

stem saam - niks wat daai son's opkoms beat van Namibie nie!!!
Eish... Nice pics, Davy. What an awesome part of the world. Looking forward to the continue...  ;D

Tx for sharing.
hey ma jy neem dam mooi fotos komaan ons wag vir die opvolg my maat ::)
The next day

I was heading the pack by Carelâ??s grace but had to swop the dustfree clean air up front for gate-opening-duties!  Of that I was also soon relieved since the sand was so soft that I struggled to make the bike stand when I opened the gates.  The sand was getting really thick now and I felt the confidence draining out of me with every grain passing beneath me.  I knew I was going to fall.  It was just a matter of time.  I struggled to keep the bike upright and flipped it over on its side once.  I picked it up and raced on.  Well it felt like that at least.  Then I got that sickening feeling when you lose it and things go pear-shape!  The bike buckled beneath me and I saw the wall of sand next to the road rushing up to embrace me.  There were some vygies but it was not enough to dampen my sudden fusion with terra firma!  Pain shot thru my shoulder and I feared a fracture.  It was really sore but I was relieved to not see any bones protruding or blood squirting.


Helpfull hands all around after they laughed their asses off!

When the guys in the Cruisers saw I was fine, they cracked themselves up.  The one guy is a GP and he quickly declared me fit if not clumsy to continue my ride.  Only 12 more kms to go!  Well I took the sissie approach and paddled those 12kms.  I was in real pain and the Mypradols had not taken effect yet.  I was actually prepared to bug out and return to Garies.  Carel then offered to scout ahead and yet again lied to me about the road.  Hard surface just over the next crest!  Bear in mind that is was bl@@dy hot with all the ATGATT on and keeping the bike upright just drained me.  I gently dropped the bike another once or twice before we got to the camping spot. 


Ons het baie gestoot die dag!

The Cruisers with their hard tyres promptly got stuck and so did I!  Elmarie and I push like people possessed until Louis came to our rescue.  The Cruiser made light work of it and all of a sudden that was it for the day!


That was the first time Louis used his new kinetic rope! ;D


Only 20m to go!


Final stop for the day - ain't she pretty?!


I pitched the tent Carel brought along and I felt like a million dollars! 


The sun was setting and I lived to ride again the next day even if my shoulder was killing me!

To be continued . . .
Damn Davy - with photos like this you just get me to want to get out there and ride!


Awesome photos and story so far.


Lost a few kilo's during the sand escapade. Sometimes the harder road has it's advantages! :mrgreen:

Great pics Davy!  :cool: