Christmas in the Cederberg

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Thanks to Gerhad and Wayneh for firing up the idea of going to the Cederberg for a quicky. I got my son, Tomas,  a farewell to school prezzie in the form of a Suzuki DR200 Djebel and we were looking for a first proper trip (had some magic rides before that, from teaching him the basics in a parking lot to trying to reach Cape Town from Bellville on dirt, all in the space of 10 days)). With not much time on hand, the Cederberg idea seemed like a godsend and off we went on Sunday 23 Dec. The wife and younger son did not want to be left behind and she borrowed her fathers' Isuzu bakkie in which they were going to meet us at Driehoek.

Once again thanks to Wayneh for the Driehoek tip. It is a lekker and fair-priced camping site. So much so that we did not  bargain on electricity at that price. So we left the electrics behind, only to run out of gas for a last cup of coffee on Christmas morning.

Anyway, we tried to do a lot of dirt from CT to the Cederberg, given the Djebel's cruising speed of 90 km/h but were not all that succesful. A nice long stretch was from Riebeek West to Piketberg via Halfmanshalte (I think). We also did the eastern side (dirt) of the Olifants River running parallel to the N7 (tar). We met up with the other two at the camp and the next morning the real adventure started.

I've done the Eselsbank/Wupperthal (see route) before, bur it was so lekker doing it with my son. Departing from Driehoek the next morning (Dec. 24) we went via Matjiesfontein and then took the 4X4 route down to Wupperthal. Up to Matjiefontein the road was real shit with lots of sharp rocks from  a re-gravelling process. From there the KLR found itself in its natural habitat, narrow. mostly  hardpacked trails with the occasional spot of soft sand (not my or the KLR's natural habitat). The Djebel and Tomas breezed through it all. In Eselsbank, with the only spectators to be had for several kilometres, I nearly planted the KLR in some river sand. Tomas laughed and said he could not feel any difference between sand and other roads. Good for him, but I think he's bullshitting.

So we went down the steep road into Wupperthal where we had our pics taken and bought some Christmas prezzies at the Rooibos shop. Also visited the velskoen factory before hitting Kouberg pass, Hoek se Berg, die Engelsman se Graf and Pakhuis pass before having lunch in Clanwilliam and buying some celebratory Southern Comfort.

The real adventure was about to start, though. I've been watching some ominous dark clouds and when we had to turn back to Clanwilliam after about 5 k's out because we had forgot to fill up with petrol, I knew we were in for it because those clouds were going to catch up.

So it happened and after a while we were chasing down the dirt, ducking rivulets and puddles as the lightning struck all around. I was desperately trying to remember the forum advice on lightning but then also remembered that the KLR does not containanough metal to disturb the electro magnetic field triggering late-night traffic lights and the Djebel contains even less. So we jaaged on and I was terribly proud of my son who rode like a pro.

We got to the camp in time to braai in the rain and all got wet that night. Next morning (the 25th, Christmas it was) we rode out of the Cederberg in a solid drizzle. At Piketberg we heard that the same storm whose fringes we apparently crossed wreakled havoc around the town, tearing down signs  and ripping roofs. Then it was scooting down to Yzerfontein (nice dirt between Mooreesburg and Darling) where we were just in time for the Christmas lunch with the in-laws. Then mixed dirt and gravel through places like Mamre and Phillipi to Parow.

Just two pics. One of the route in the Cederberg, the other one showing our faith in one-wheel drive.
It seems the pics are not showing. Let's try again, one pic at a time...



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A second pic. The route on Christmas Eve


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A last one. Getting our pic taken in Wupperthal


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Well done Oppad!!
Wish me an my dad could do a trip at some stage!
Nice to have grown son to ride with. I have a 9 yr old daughter who thinks she wants to ride. We shall see!
lekker one oppad

you'll treasure these moments for yrs to come!!

awesome to spend quality time with ur son
Good on you mate! Net jammer jy post so min foto's...  ;)  Ek wil moer graag daai roete gaan doen.