de Wildt

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Man did de Wildt on a KDX200 on Saterday with some guys that goes there every 2nd weekend!

Started with rude awakening, then down Butcher's Picnic, then played in the Riverbed, and up Coconuts and then back to Marula Sun, 38km took as 6 hours! I nearly died!! F-ing hard work!!

No pics cause both my hands was busy trying to keep me alive!!! :)

JohnST said:
Started with rude awakening, then down Butcher's Picnic,

One of my pet projects, trying to keep track of all the names people give the different hills and trails.

Never heard of rude awakening or this butchers picnic?
Where are they? What are they like?
If you didn't goto the mountain near the police station then I assume they are on the same mountain coconuts is on?
No Photo's. BUT ( We played in the river bed.) Sounds fishy to me.
I have riden De Wild with the MuddX guys and let me tell you boet, I did the sissy lala ride and I f%42ken wanted to die, riding it on a CR250 Mx set up worked me like a cheap hooker on speed, I fell off alot. Doing Coconut, Butchers and Rivermixer must have been the bone brother, I know them y reputation only and they are hard if my ride was anything to go by.

Hey Shark - Slowhand
Sorry ek kon jou nie meer gee nie!!

I'm no expert on deWildt was only my 2nd time there, and man did I crap bricks to do everything the group did, and there was a chic with us on a CR230, didn't moan once!!!  :eek: