Device which interface with Garmin and camera

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Race Dog
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Vespa (all models)
Morning fellow Dogs

I'm in the process of building my AR stash i.e. camp stuff and so on before getting to the expensive things.
One of the things that bugs me is the lack of tech gizmo's in todays tech savvy world when it comes to interfacing different devices (my perception in any case)

What I'd like to achieve
When you're cruising along a nice stretch of dirt and you want to take a photo you have to press a button somewhere on a remote of some sort.
Is the software not at such a stage yet where you can press something on your garmin (or similar) which then takes a photo, or video for that matter, and displays the photo on the garmin.

The sales guy looked at me with a funny grin when I asked him and proceeded to tell me the specials which I wasn't interested in.

When he explained about the remote is sounds like too many things needed to take a simple photo. When I'm out exploring dirt I'd like to see what I've taken.
Surely it can be as simple as developing software to take care of things?

I decided to wait a bit first before buying any GPS, camera, bluetooth communication etc.