?diff -help me check please

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Race Dog
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
So i had my bike serviced this weekend, the 40 000km service. The guy who did it said that everything looked perfect, except the diff oil. He is under the impression that it might not have been hanged previously, due to it being dirty. The other option is that it is the diff giving the ghost, but told me to listen out for undue ratles and vibrations.

Since saterday's service, i have done about 1300km of road ridding. No problems and running smoothly

Now here for my problem. When i retuned home tonight I just wanted to check that the rim is still straight (one of those things i do at times). So I paced the bike on the centre stand and engaged the 1st gear inorder to have the back wheel spin freely. The i noticed a sound from the diff that sounds like an intermitant knocking sound.

Logic (my own here, so it is questionable to start of with) tells me that this is from the beck wheel spinning freely and gathering momentum that causes it to spin faster than the engen and gear, and thus causing this knocking sound due to the normal play that exists on the gear box inorder to be able to change gears. (hope this makes sense, and that you knowwhat i am talking about)

My question is whether this is normal?

Will some of you guys be so kind as to duplicate this test with your bikes, and tell me if you experience this as well, please?

I don't like any unexplained noises on my bike, and this is really bothering me now


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