DS Riding Enjoyed

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Bachelor Dog
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
BMW F650GS / Dakar
An impromptu Shebeen/Braai trip was planned Friday night at Dros.

We did ride but no shebeens  :rolleyes:(Ok. One sort off :mrgreen:) but it turned out to quite a challenging but much enjoyable ride witch highlighted the pleasure of riding a DS bike.

After having a coffee together, Funacide led us through some â??interestingâ? back roads through Olympus. Heavy corroded dirt track jarring me back to reality. :eek:

Meeting and discussing bikes and mods. (Done and needed)

OX, Funacide & Shark


After some tar, Funacide took as left along the railway lines. After a relaxed hundred meters, the track changed into two-track with sandy sections, occasional woops and rocks. Hi concentration levels to keep to the undulating track.


At the end, we went through the duikweg and right into a one track voetpoor. Standing up and throw weight around to keep to the one-track. I did manage to miss a few turns and make my own tracks. Got a few thorns branches as reward.


From there a short section to the first pit-stop and a well earned Zamalek.
The only pic I took I managed to fook up completely. :rolleyes:

Here a new plan masterminded by Shark, was born. No surprise there for those that have ridden with him before.  :lol: Nothing hectic, he said. Yeah. My grandmother is the queen of England.  :rolleyes:

Short dirt, across the railway lines and then left after the village into a two-track quad track leading into the mountain.

Once again standing up technical riding with much more loose sand at times, heavy rocks and interesting sharp turns along the way, always sloping upwards. I was starting to enjoy it (Read: Survive) although I could feel strain coming into my legs and arms.


I was behind Funacide. Ox and Shark has already disappeared into the distant rocky mountain.


I came around this one longish corner and saw this. After the obligatory photo session :biggrin: , I ran to assist Fun since his bike was leaking petrol. Before I got to him, he lifted the bike. Well done Fun! That wasnâ??t easy circumstances to lift the beast. :cool:


Resting I took pic of the path still to follow. You will see Shark in the one on the way up.



Looking back down to the Dakar, whose turn is next. :eek:



I managed to take the wrong line and got stuck in-between two rocks with the back wheel spinning. After wiggling here and there, I got it up the rock only to hesitate when I saw my options to continue. Result was no foothold to keep the bike up and down she went.


Funacide came back to assist. I could not pick the bike up. Thanks Fun!  :cool: Walking the bike out of the track, I was fooked. :eek: Decided to join Funacide and not go further.

Shark and Ox coming back across the section where we lost it. They make it look easy! :razz:



Then back the way we came towards the railway line.

Shark coming over rocky humps in the track.



Then along the railway line to the next dirt and short tar section to Cullinan for breakfast.

This dirt felt like tar after the previous hour's struggles.


No more pics from me from hereon.

After breakfast we retraced our tracks (Excluding the mountain :lol:) and on to Riverside for well earned beers.

We rode tar, level 1-2 dirt, two track trail of various grades, one track voetspoor and technical rocks. The only item missing was mud but we can only hope for later this year.

I had a ball and learned a few tricks as well as practiced some others. Also attempted new terrain with mixed results.

Thank guys for the laughter and camaraderie as well as waiting for me at times. These okes can ride! :cool:

Nice little mornings trip there guys, thanks!
I really liked the little shortcuts that Funacide showed us, speedbumps are great to get the front wheel up.

I only took a few pics with the cell camera around the mountain, so here go's.

Me and Ox stopped on the rocky climb to see where the others were.


The route to the mountain was nice 2-track, a couple of whoops and rocks to keep you alert.

Fun coming through.

Journeyman ducking a branch

And Journeyman riding along the route.

You must do a bit of tech riding, even on a B double E, double R UN. Practice practice practice and eventually all terrain is easy.
You never know what you will get on a trip, even when taking the most conservative route.
The area is DRY at the moment, really dusty with a lot of loose sand about.
My new helmet was dropped and got a nice scratch on the visor, its now really mine, customized.

On the helmet, dust is a problem with these type of helmets, I'm going to try make a plan with goggles next time. Ox tells me quick straps work ok with the visor in place, does anyone have this setup yet?

Great Journeyman, good to see you keep the courage to keep following those hooligans. :D

Heeltyd speeltyd

Forgot to mention. Broke the brake lever on the handle bar. Just a short bit off.

I now have one of those fancy 2-finger jobbies the 1200 guys are looking for. For the price of a few drops of sweat. :biggrin:

I said it before: The Dakar falls well. That was the only damage. Was expecting more on those rocks.
JMan, it's good to see you're riding a lot more these days. Groenie would have loved to go with, but the fuel problem is still not sorted.

Lekker ride.
Awesome ride thanks guys. I was not planning on going up the technical section as I had a serious hangover from the previous night and then having to pick the bike up after stalling again. I really have to do more technical stuff as I am still not used to the low down torque capability of the KTM versus the BM. But it was a real fun section and one that I will go and visit very soon again....
Thanks guys it was a great ride , here are my pics.







the first beer


gotta love africa , the lighter needs to be tied to the security bar !!


then the rough stuff



Fun in the distance trying to pick up the 950





So who wan't to go and tackle that hill again, I am keen to try it without a hangover.....
Anytime, but then we need to go down the other side, a lot tougher.
Ryperd said:
funacide said:
So who wan't to go and tackle that hill again, I am keen to try it without a hangover.....


Me too - my favorite bit of technical riding. Track has got a lot tougher lately, maybe seeing more traffic. But Shark's on his own with the track going down the other side, as I have done it once and it nearly killed me.

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