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Uncle Bob

Half inspired to post this after Trail riders 'Epic ride report' and the Argus ride report - this is DUAL Sport though.

Absa Cape Epic 2005

900 Km
Over 1600m Vertical Ascent (twice everest)
Start - Knysna Waterfront
Finish - Spier Wine estate
Mode of transport - MOUNTAIN BIKE

128.5km and 2940m ascent Stage 1

It was friggin freezing at the start and we hit a serious climb in the first 5 kays. a tough day as you had to constantly slow yourself down, this is a loooooong race.

About 40km from the finish my rear suspension gave out and my knees got sore from sitting so low.

Luckily the fox mechanic stayed in the chalet next to us and he fixed it for me - 10 min before the start of the second day!! :shock:



144.6km and 2720m ascent Stage 2

Was a really beautiful ride only screwed up by a river crossing 3km into the stage that had flooded and therefore could not be ridden, being waist deep in almost freezing water is no fun and it caused huge traffic jams.



104.0km and 1435m ascent Stage 3

First day out of the forests and into the karoo.



110.6km and 2425m ascent Stage 4

I actually trew in the towel on this stage, my knees were fucked - i was drinking 8 myprodol's a day during riding and 3 voltarens at night just to sleep!

But i didn't quit - rode on.

107.4km and 1135m ascent Stage 5

We rode through a big 5 game reserve and you could see som lions from one of the watering points.


127.3km and 2030m ascent Stage 6


103.7km and 1875m ascent Stage 7

They informed us 2 min. before the start that they had added 15km to the stage - 'oh thanks - okay bye)


75km and 1460m ascent Stage 8

By now i was shattered and couldn't wait to finish.
We rode down the 1997 word cup downhill course - that was fun!!


Ever so glad to finish.
This is was my race partner Craig

If you see someone with one of these T shirts, show 'em some respect about 35 to 50 % Of entrants don't see the finish so to have a finishers T shirt is something to be proud of.
As Ali G would say "Beeg it up for me main man! - RESPECT!"
Geez. :shock: Respect Dude!

I may be riding backup for these guys in future - but I'll be on my trusty trailbike :D
:shock: Total respect... but you are bloody mad! :shock: :shock: Where is the ENGINE in that bike? :? :wink: Hats off to you... no way I could do something like that. Let alone on section.
awesome stuff !!
bet you cannot wait to get back on the GSA again !
Major respect, huge staying power with F#$ked knees - WOW... :shock: :D
When I saw the thread heading I thought you were selling sunflower cooking oil! Having read the post and checked the pics - you're cooking! :thumbright: