Etrex 10 loan for Amageza

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Race Dog
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
Cape Town
Vespa (all models)
I am doing the Amageza again this year, and the regs have changed to allow only the Etrex 10 GPS. I've bought one, but in the interests of not having my results go totally belly up if anything happens to it, I'd really like to carry a second. But I'm broke after the vicious annual onslaught of Amageza credit card melting.

Is anyone here willing to loan me theirs for the duration of the event - 30 Aug to 8 Sep? Preferably in Cape Town? I'm happy to lend you my new Etrex 20 to use while I have it, and will give you my brand new Etrex 10 in exchange, after the event, if anything should happen to yours.

* Your Etrex will just be travelling safely in my backpack, recording a backup track in case something happens to my main unit.