Etrex 20x or 30x?

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Race Dog
Aug 26, 2015
Reaction score
Cape Town
Honda XR650L
Hi All

I was wondering if I could get some input please on which unit I should buy, I have decided on a etrex, but not sure which one. There is a about a R700 difference in price, but not all that much difference in functionality and I was wondering if the extra things on the 30x justify the price difference.

From what I can see the major differences are:
- 30x has slightly better resolution
- 30x can transfer maps via Bluetooth with compatible units
- 30x has the compass where you do not need to hold the unit flat for it to give direction
- 30x has the barometric altimeter

Other than the above and the colour, the units seems pretty much the same to me. Should I spend the extra money or should I forget about the extra gadgets and get the 20x?

Thanks guys