Exploring Rosendal with Rinkink the 310 GS

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Jan 16, 2008
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Rinkink - Afrikaans: fuif / baljaar / uitgelate wees. English: gallivant / make merry / gad about.

So, the family Kruger: I, wife Carien and Bika the Scott went to Rosendal the last week of 2022. We were there earlier in the year and simply loved the little town. It’s our idea of a place to be. Clean, quiet, not much to do and beautiful scenery.

The plan is to take Rinkink the 310 GS with, I’ll spend some time riding in the mornings and the rest of the day us three will just hang around town, relax, read, afternoon naps, drink wine and braai.

I am combining this RR with some information about the town, in the hope that you will go visit and keep the town alive. There is really some good riding in the area.

Day 1

We left Pretoria with Rinkink on a borrowed trailer and took the N3 / R59 to Vereeninging and then Heilbron, Petrus Steyn, Lindley, Senekal and Rosendal, avoiding the N1, which I hate to drive. Big mistake. We soon realize that this road, from Sasolburg, is pothole kingdom. Taking it slow I managed to navigate the bakkie and trailer around the potholes, but in many instances, we had to go through them.

And then disaster struck. From here on the day just went from kakker and super kakker. Going through a deep hole, at snails’ pace, the bike’s wheels slipped out from underneath it. The straps held it on the trailer, and apart from only a mark on the crash bar there was no damage (thanks Rox Fox). I couldn't understand why this happend, I strapped the 1200 many times in the past. After talking to friend @Kokdjembe and many Google searches I am hopefully closer to understanding why.
No photos here, our main aim was to get the bike off the trailer and get the bakkie out of the middle of the road.

As a sidenote: lots of vehicles passed us while the bike was on its side and while we were taking it off the trailer. I never stopped anyone to ask for help because I know we can get it off the trailer by ourselves. But I find it interesting that no one stopped and asked if they can assist. We were passed by three farmers, one police van and several vehicles with drivers of all colors. I would have stopped.

I decided to ride the bike from here. It was drizzling and I decided not to spend time putting the waterproof layer in my pants. And in any case, genius me forgot his rain jacket at home.

And then the rain started to come down in buckets, and from Lindley to Senekal I rode through the worst thunderstorm I’ve ever seen. Lightning crashing all around me, some so close that I though today I am going to die on this road. All while constantly negotiating potholes. Then we were on the R70, Senekal – Rosendal road, it still rained and with 30 kms of horrendous potholes awaiting us. By the time we reached Rosendal I was wet, freezing, blue and shivering. Carien was gatvol of dodging potholes with a jumping trailer in tow. After lots of red wine we eventually felt way better, and warmer.

An eventful day with no photos to proof it, except the pic of the wine. I think the name "Moody Lagoon" is very funny, considering what I've been through 😂

To be continued.

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