F650GS Clutch issue

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Bachelor Dog
Staff member
Global Moderator
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
AJS (all models)
Okay I know most of you maintain your BMW´s with the local Bavarian motors. I don´t have a BMW dealer within 4,500km so I need your help:

We took our bikes on a great trip a couple of weeks ago into the mountains (Check out the global Ride Reports section). Got back no problems, took the bikes out to clean them today and when I started up D´s 2008 F650 GS and tried to pull it into the garage, nada. Engine is running fine. Gears seem to change fine (all the way to 6th), but when I let the clutch out, nothing. Well almost nothing. I feel only a very slight pulling - not enough to move the bike with me on it - in fact I could roll the bike backwards against the force of the engine.  ???

Putting the bike on its centre stand the wheel does turn in first & 2nd gear, and stops turning as soon as I pull the clutch or put it in neutral. Whats always been a bit concenring to me is that that bike always used "clack" then you dropped it out of neutral into 1st.

If it was was just a matter of adjusting the clutch, then there should surely still be traction in any gear? In this case the engine runs normally but the bike does not move forward at all. Or am I just showing up my total ignorance in these matters?  :sad5:

I havent done anything yet, I´d be very grateful for any opinions/suggestions please.