First Ride, solo and awesome - Paarl Rock

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Race Dog
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
Cape Town, Western Cape
New to the forum, newish to adventure bikes after off-roading as a kid (lived in Moz and also was on tippy toes with an F650 as a 16 year old), then stuff all for 9 years including bussing it over London - then a fling with a Harley (hey it happens to the best of us)

After doing the CountryTrax info course I figured I better get the Tiger onto dirt more often, so headed out to Paarl Rock this afternoon. I get stuck in the daily commute all week and tend to be swamped on weekends, so some dirt and quiet was just what the doctor ordered.

What a treat!! Awesome riding, taking less than 4 hours total from my flat in Newlands and back.

Took the N1, after advice from Kodgehopper a while back, I swung off at the R304 and took the dirt to the R44, easy going to remind myself what non-tar is like and fiddling with the Triumphs ABS off procedure.

Then onwards to paarl. Man I tell you, I was impressed.
Sure - it's not rough and wild and technical, but there were some severely rutted descents after the rains, some whoops (well I turned them into this) on the uphills, and even a shit muddy and sandy patch or two.

Thoroughly enjoyed it and wished I had a goPro to post more photos.
Sadly my few snaps will have to do for now.

I've loved the Tiger from day 1, and after finding my dirt feet again she was more than happy to tackle anything (who said a GS smokes this off-road??), making me feel far better a rider than I probably am for now.

Also must give a big thumbs up to the guys at Flying Brick this morning for helping me get some new pants, impressed with the comfort of the xculchas (see for sale ad for my unused triumphs, gadam shorter legs of mins...)

Anyways, treat of a Saturday afternoon, and followed by my feet up, rugby on TV soon, bottle of red and my Fiancée at my side. Tough life in kaapstad hey.

Few snaps:







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Nice bike, world class scenery and a happy smile.  8)
Lekker man lekker  :thumleft: I've liked that Tiger from day one, cool looking scoot  :thumleft:
You are fortunate enough to live in such a beautiful part of SA.

Oh yes! 9 years without dirt was a sad time, haha. But felt like I never left after the ride. Heading out to Malagas with the triumph Cape Town guys next weekend - should be epic!

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