First Time on The Dirt in SA

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Pack Dog
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Marloth Park / Mpumalanga

hello friends !!
today is tuesday the 09.12.2008, its two days since i went on my first ride off the tar where i was driving for the last 26 years. seven years on the roads in europe i managed to putt over 112000km on my beemer(rt1100).
by no means was i always within the law with my driving style! my shoulders on my michelin or on the bridgestones tires where polished and the middle still had 2.5mm of profile. i managed to finish a sett of rubber in march o7 within 1387km,cos i just was out of my senses going along the french jura! corner left corner right and this for 47km one way, turn arround and go back the same way but faster!!
waiting under a tree for some poor victem to come along with a ducati 999 and have him for breakfast. on my side peg, arking at him and leave him behind me and just drive the s... out of his brain! me, sitting upright on the "oldman bike" with my i-pod pluged to my ears with some nice techno sound, tapping my red shoes to the rythem of the bass!! and i knew he was not going to tell his friends about the red beemer passing him on the inside in a bend that he took at 100km/h leaning off his 999!!!!
any way ..... that is the past!
I have been on a off road trip, with some great guys from the bmw-club pretoria!!
i feel like i have ben born again!! this trip did wake up some animal in me! and this animal wants more, more, more and more!
it s like sex for the first time! once you had it, you just want it again and again!!(excuse my freedom to speak open and from my heart)
having done all the kilos on the road, this is so fantastic i hardly believe the fun it gives me and my ego!
it all started with an invitation from pauli in pretoria, whilst changing my rear rubber!
hi walked in and mentioned the trip on sunday morning with his friends from the beemer club! "nothing serious" he said just ok for you to see a bit of dirt riding and with some cool guys from the club! i thought that was a brilliant way to learn how to go about it!(never been off road)
so i go home and tell my "Bed-Partner"(she sleeps with me) to come along to the trip!!!!!!!????????
well, nothing serious meens to me that she also enjoys the trip. she is on my ass for some time, over there!
we arrive in pretoria on time(06:30) as requested by pauli!(we are swisslis with a urge for punctuality)
and nobody but us was on site! ....... thinking of being in the wrong shell station i got worried a bit, but some time later i can hear the first
deep "roar" of an beemer cumming up the road!
there was this giant of a man sitting on the gs1200, making the bike look like a 250 scrambler!! IN FULL OFF ROAD GEAR!!! with a hans system
and protectors and so on...........   now i started to worry.......
by the minute more and more bikers arrived..... all of them solo on the bike........  more worries in my head......!
in the end there was a hoard of beemers, some quiet and some not so quiet,but all seem to have done this before once or twice!!
some have "roof of africa" experience and all kind of knowledge about off road driving!
here i am, with my "chick" on my ass and no clue about leaving the tar road!!!!!!!!   .......   you can smile .... but i was thinking hard at the time.

never the less, i am borne in may! that makes me a taurus, and i am one stubbern taurus i can tell you ......
the minute the first beemer starts his deep grunting sound of joy, my thinking and worring is over and the instinct takes over!!!!!!!
we take some turns to the right and left and we stop at a sign to "Boskop"
from there it is like pure adrenalin pumping in my body and brain! the beemer gives me the "Vibe" to go and stay with the leader of the "Pack"
and the screaming woman in my intercom tells me to slow down! so all i could do is switching of the intercom >:D
we are dressed in jeans and light jacket to go riding in the wind! ..... now we are knee deep in water paddels and full of dust!
for the boys and me a super trooper sunday morning, for my sweet and quiet baby girl the horror trip of her life!!
i felt so sorry for her, did excuse the misshap for taking her along und putting her on the spot like this! but it was a surprise to me to!
but the blue marks on my ribs are not from falling, but her boxing me when in distres in the sand!
wauuuuuuu....... it was like riding a bronco in an rodeo ranking!! i was so lucky to stay rubber down on the bike!
i needed all my knowhow to doit!
and all i know is from the road! ............ but you know what....... if you want it, you can do it!!!!!!!

JUST DO IT!!!!!!!

The only time nadja, thats my girs name, was off the beemer, was the time we did a river crossing! water kneedeep, she refused to stay on the back!(we took a water hole just some kilos back and we were still wett)
Adrian was so kind to take her on his back and walk her accross!!!!! (thank you again adrian!!!!!)

i made some pictures along the way, and some are stil coming from others! i will put them all in here as soon as i can, but all in time!

i want to take this opportunity and thank the bmw gang for this marvelous trip inthe outback of this great land!!
thank you for the new man that i can find in myself and have so much fun on a sunday morning!
(no need to go to church, all the praying i did under my helmet lasts forever!!!!) :imaposer:

dirt tracker beware, here is a new guy on the track with an urge to do better and better, and i promise to be the biker in second position after the leader soon!!
there is more to come from me here and now!

soon there will be more pictures to see ....... from overseas and from here! there is no spot save for you to hide from me ........  :laughing4:

i wish you all a great time over the holiday time!!
a great start into the new year, may we all be blessed with joy and happyness!
it is fantastic to be back in SA! to me this is the land of all Oportunities and paradise on earth !!!!!!!!!!

thank you all for being here to share your dreams and ideas!!

Shangali        ........ Peace & Freedom for all of us ........
