Fitting a 650GS for offroad...?

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Pack Dog
Apr 23, 2008
Reaction score
BMW F650GS / Dakar
Being the ever-enthusiastic newbie, I have my heart set on riding my recently acquired GS on tar as well as offroad (as soon as I can get my Kouba links & get them fitted).  It is a 2nd hand 2001 model so I am not too fussed about a couple of scratches, etc since those are bound to happen, but I have been riding quad enduros for 2 years and know full well what the underside of a bike ca look like when it is ambushed by lurking rocks/tree stumps. 

Unfortunately I know nothing about what I would need to protect my GS against avoidable damage.  Due to being a somewhat short female, I need to keep my bike as light as possible...
1) What are crash bars?  Do I need those?
2) Do you get bash plates for a GS?  Are they custom made?  Aluminium or hyde plates?
3) I have seen some pics of other GS bikes with a kind of bar mudguard thingy behind the back wheel.  What are they called and who sells those?
4) What about tyres?  Do you get 6-ply for a GS?  What brand is good, but priced decently?
5) Tube or tubeless?
6) Apart from the panniers & boxes, are there other accessories for tools, cup holders (Coffee fanatic...I need that LOL), etc?
7) Essential spares to carry on the bike?  On my quad I carry 2 sparkplugs, tire repair kit, duct tape, cable ties, small leatherman, first aid kit and tow rope.  Would the same go for the GS or do I need some extra bits & pieces?
8) Anything else?

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