Fuel consumption spreadsheet

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Race Dog
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Somerset West
KTM 790 Adventure R
Hi all,

Being a newbie I'm interested to see what sort mileage bikes similar to mine get, as well as other model's fuel consumption. Maybe there are others interested in the same statistics.

The idea is to enter your trip distance data between refueling or a combined trip's (to Namibia for instance) data and publish this. Instead of having and endlessly long thread with data it'll be a spreadsheet that you can export to Excel/Word/PDF etc.

The page will be open for public viewing if you have the link's address, but for editing you'll have to pm me to get access. No need for a pm, I've given editing rights for anyone who has the link. Trusting that okes won't abuse it. Someone did abuse it and wiped all the data, so we'll have to do pest control as of 21/12/10.


(You might need to sign in for google apps/mail)

Please note that there are two columns with formulas in them were no data need to be entered.


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