Grottobay Quicky

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Race Dog
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
I called Michiel early in the AM on Saturday morning and said that I wanted to go for a ride. He informed me, he had a couple of things to do, but it would be cool in the PM. So around 1Pm, I left Riebeek West and headed towards Grotto Bay. The original plan was to see if we could actually ride there, but a couple of sign boards later, quickly reminded us that it was a bad idea... especially without a permit.

I rode the R311 out to the Ongegund PPC village and turned left onto the dirtroad heading to Malmesbury. I refueled there and headed out towards Darling on the R315. I did a partial alternative route when I saw the road leading into veld at the railway line. This ended back at the R315 by making a short loop, all in all nice little track with some lekker turns to get some sideway action on. Got back on the tar and rode down towards Darling for about 15km where I turned left on the dirt leading into the Mamre Hills. The road was nice a compact with some muddy water patches from time to time, but on a 110kg bike, its always fun... even when you accidentally hit them at 120kph.

At the R307 I turned right and went left at the Grootepost wine estate turn off. This road is pretty boring in the beginning, but after the farm, it has been neglected and ends up being sandy and actually pretty fun. Visibility is extremely poor with blind turns so you have to be carefull not to go through there balls to the wall.

The road ends up at the R47 where you cross over and enter  Grotto Bay.



I waited for Michiel and Altus and then we decided to head out to Boknekbaai @ Ganzekraal.

The road was pretty good going untill you reach the gate that leads into Boknekbaai. The road is pretty compact and hard, but the tracks can often mislead you and have you end up on your belly. So some of us found out...  :deal:

The beach is awesome... I heighly recommend the area if you want to get away from troubles hunting you.

NOTE ... R20 Entry fee.

Some pics.





Nice ride. You Capies are really privileged with all the nice spots you have down there.
Gee S said:
Nice ride. You Capies are really privileged with all the nice spots you have down there.

To be totally honnest. I would of preffered doing a little cruise like this with a proper DS bike. Although, with a properly geared and kitted out Enduro bike, any trail anywhere is possible.

The KLR is the perfect tool for the shed.

Nice pics - these one taken the day of the Darling ride last Sunday! Stunning place  :thumleft:


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Stev0 said:
pretty lekker roads hey!

Stunning - have to arrange a Sunday lunch ride maybe... to Grootepost & then champers on the rocks at Grotto??  :mwink:
Goose said:
Stev0 said:
pretty lekker roads hey!

Stunning - have to arrange a Sunday lunch ride maybe... to Grootepost & then champers on the rocks at Grotto??  :mwink:

I must agree i think i need a chil ride like that with some champers and good company to share with..... :biggrin: :biggrin:

Nice one Goose an N[]va :thumleft: :thumleft: