Ground Control, this is 'November, Echo, Whiskey'...

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Hi there!

My name's "chopperpaailet". Tall oke, brown hair, green eyes, en so-aan! I don't have a bike - yet, but oh deary me, I can't wait for the day. I do fly though! Niceness! I once had a Vespa Classic 150 which carried me from Cape Town to Worcester and back every second weekend for nine months. Jarrrr, it took me 2 hours and 20 minutes but hey, the best thing ever! And then the inevitable - don't ask why - I had to sell it. So I'm still craving a bike (cause choppers don't wheely) (neither do Vespa's) but you know what I mean. Anyway - thanks for letting me read the forums and making me kwaai-lus for adventure-riding.
"Pop a wheelly, my broe!" (Some oke from CW once said)  :thumleft:

Here's my baby - for now....


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