Have (new) bike - will Ride.

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Race Dog
WD Vendor
Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
Somerset West
Yamaha Super Tenere
What do you do if you have a new bike , and you have a Sunday free ?

You ride your bike. Weather be damned !

And so it came to be that me , Jupiter and J-mo decided that we will ride to Kirkwood from Uitenhage to go and have a snack. Of course , the tar road of just more than 50km was far too boring and we decided to get there via the Cockscomb gravel road and then via Glenconnor.

While I waited for Jupiter and J-mo to rock up at the Total opposite Willow dam , I decided to go and park my bike and take some photos of her (while she was still nice and clean).  Maybe I should have scouted my planned photo site a little better , because to get there I had to get through some very slippery mud. But , I kept the rubber side down and managed to slip and slide my way to the spot I had in mind and took some pics. Little did I know that this was only the first of many more slip and slides for the day.


I heard the other two approaching and slipped some more to go and meet them for the first time.

I was on the F650GS, with J-mo on his R1200 GSA and Jupiter on his beautifully restored old R series GS.

We shook hands , shot the breeze for a few moments and saddled up. At the Cockscomb turnoff we hit the gravel with J-mo flying ahead and me and Jupiter following at a slightly more sedate pace.

As we topped a ridge I saw a Rainbow on my left and promptly stopped to get some pics. J-mo was unaware of this and had a little heart attack when he looked in his rearview mirror and did not see any headlights. He turned around and came back at pace thinking the noob (me) had had an off.  He was very relieved to find me and my bike with the right sides up.

Realizing that we were running into some rain me and J-mo got out our raingear , while Jupiter looked on , having put on his raingear at home already.




We turned off to the right following J-mo's GPS and soon we were climbing up a little washed out pass.
I was doing a LOT of 'stand up , look up , open up' but was slowly getting some confidence.

Going down the pass on the other side we stopped for a quick photo session , where J-mo and Jupiter were discussing different tyres , and I pointed the camera around. Shortly after this I hit my first of many watercrossings for the day.


Continuing on this road we eventually crossed the tar road at Glenconnor where we met up with Bie who had ridden through from Jansenvile. Now we were four BMW's with Bie on an F800.

The road between Glenconnor and Bie's folks was badly washed away. We got to a point where the river had taken the road away and with trees across the road to indicate that the road was closed. I figured that , that was it. The road was gone and we would have to turn around. That was not to be as Bie had other plans.  Bie cut through the grass to the left , slid down the embankment and power his way through the riverbed and over the rock s to go roaring up the other side. J-mo was next and quickly followed through. Ahh well , that was it. If these two did it then obviously a bike must be able to it. I was not so sure about the rider , but what the hell, I was here to ride and the route went through the river bed.  I got down the embankment and ungraciously fought my way through the river sand and up the other side with feet paddling wildly.

We followed Bie to his parent's farm where we had a lovely cup of coffee.


Then leaving the farm yard we entered the poort where soon after Bie stopped and declared the chosen spot the perfect spot to braai the sosaties that he brought along.  And fabulous Sosaties they were. The man can make good money selling those !







Having munched those lekker sosaties we set off down the road with poor Bie and J-mo opening and closing numerous gates along the way - Thanx guys.

On this section I got to deal with my first fights with both the mud and the sand monsters. I am glad to say that I came through OK.  

We stopped for a quick regroup with Bie explaining some of the history of the area before we hit the final section to the tar road. I found the loose gravel on the turns quite intimidating , but managed to keep my cool and keep myself and my scoot upright .

On the tar road we made a run for Kirkwood where we had a lekker cup of coffee and some toasted sarmies , before hitting the road to get back home, with the rain-suits earning their keep.


Thank you gentlemen for the lekker ride and the good company. It was a pleasure to meet you guys and ride with you.

Nice man, nice.  Glad you enjoyed your first real trip.  :biggrin:

Thumbs up for J-mo, Jupiter and Bie for taking you on this ride.  Great guys.  :thumleft:
It was my pleasure to accompany you on your first outride and well done to you. Thanks for the nice report. To J-mo and Bie, thanks for the great company. Four Dogs who met for the first time on the day, gelled and had a good ride together.

Wilddogs :thumleft:
Nice guys!!
Weird this DS biking thing.
Four guys that has never met rideing together for the first time and most probably will again.
I like it! :thumleft:
chrisL said:
Nice guys!!
Weird this DS biking thing.
Four guys that has never met rideing together for the first time and most probably will again.
I like it! :thumleft:

Chris, dis presies wat ek vandag ook gesê het. Die lekker van WD is in al die mense wat jy ontmoet, nuwe vriendskappe en kameraderie. Lekker gewees om saam met julle te ry. Ons maak weer so, en Hando, geniet daai yster! Ry hom dat sy tong uit hang.
Wil net dankie se vir julle. Dit was 'n lekker trip gewees. Sal more paar kiekies plaas.

Vier vreemde honne, en almal het lekker gejel. Dankie vir Bie vir die leiding deur die verspoelde paaie. As jy nie saam gekom het nie, was dit die plek waar ek omgedraai het. Ek is seker Jupiter met daardie "marvelous" R 800 GS sou vir ons die pad gewys het as Bie nie daar was nie want ek kon sien dat niks in sy pad sal staan nie.

Hando was in sy element. Wat ook al in sy pad gegooi was, het hy met selfvertroue aangepak. Well done Hando. :hello2:

Ek sal more nog 'n paar vids opsit. Hier is 'n voorsmakie van 2 van die rivier crossings wat ons aangepak het.

EDIT : R80G/S.

Thanks vir julle ouens se moeite met die foto's, video en RR.

Lekker groot wabble deur daai eerste rivierbed J-mo. Moet se jy het die buffel mooi op sy voete gehou.
jupiter said:
EDIT : R80G/S.

Thanks vir julle ouens se moeite met die foto's, video en RR.

Lekker groot wabble deur daai eerste rivierbed J-mo. Moet se jy het die buffel mooi op sy voete gehou.

Dankie Jupiter. Moet se, 'n 250kg bike met 'n 19" voorwiel is nie die ideale kombinasie vir los rivier sand nie. Baie dankbaar die buffel het op sy voete gebly.

Ek was totaal impressed met daai R80G/S van jou. Ek het jou nie eers een keer sien sukkel met enige van die obstackles nie. Daai "old lady" het als met soveel "grace" aangepak.
Lekker trip, manne.

Bie - ek like jou sosatie 'rooster'
J-mo said:
jupiter said:
EDIT : R80G/S.

Thanks vir julle ouens se moeite met die foto's, video en RR.

Lekker groot wabble deur daai eerste rivierbed J-mo. Moet se jy het die buffel mooi op sy voete gehou.

Dankie Jupiter. Moet se, 'n 250kg bike met 'n 19" voorwiel is nie die ideale kombinasie vir los rivier sand nie. Baie dankbaar die buffel het op sy voete gebly.

Ek was totaal impressed met daai R80G/S van jou. Ek het jou nie eers een keer sien sukkel met enige van die obstackles nie. Daai "old lady" het als met soveel "grace" aangepak.

Bie said:
J-dog™ said:
Lekker okes!  :laughing4:

And where were you? Hoped you would join us.

I was going to do an enduro Sunday, but it was bucketing down the whole day so I didn't even bother. Saturday was also chucking it down  - torrential - here in Sstrand. How did you guys avoid it?