Race Dog
When I got the bike after 200km ride the main lightbulb blow, replaced with one from midas, 1000km later it blown again within 2 months, (both bulbs blown on tar road) only thing I can think off is the vibrations from the engine as I did ride and switch gears only after 7000rpm's...I am not concerned about the quality of light dont want to spend money on nightbreakers and special osram bulbs or LED conversions if they also gonna last less than 1000km's,,,do I ride to hard or what , the bike does not have the std exhaust(LeoVince fitted) does it vibrate more or what , on the gravel road there is no issue as the bulb did not blow
Is it a GS thing or what
my trusted suzuki's bulbs lasted about 40k km
Is it a GS thing or what