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Race Dog
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Henley on Klip
Well this is a first attempt at a ride rapport, as well as a request for additional assistance in getting Mrs Pistol on to her own bike!

Apologies for no pics - firstly I do not have a nice portable, rider friendly camera at the moment, and secondly Kuruman 68 who would normally accompany us with the camera was away on family duty this weekend.

The ride was done over the recent long week-end with the sole purpose of getting Mrs pistol to be aware of what to look for on the roads, and to generally just try and concentrate on riding line, distance to stop, and other general observations on two wheels - she has never been solo on two wheels, but is very keen(I think - or just piss*d off with me doing too many trips alone), she also admits than when on the back does not concentrate at all, and even falls asleep sometimes on long stretches ???

So, with me not yet comfortable on taking her pillion on the more technical rides, this is the next option - she will come with on the long highway type sand roads tho.

The trip was planned with very little sand riding, just the occasional snoop into intereting looking places off ther main roads.

Day 1: Leave around midday, destination Parys via Potchefstroom. This proved to be an educational ride as things warmed up on the roads approaching Potchefstroom - hell it gets windy on those narrow roads with those big transport vehicles passing in the opposite direction. Never the less the missus was concentrating, and now understands the concept of being alert ALL of the time :) Into potch for a quick thirst quencher at the Elgro Hotel - this was THE place to be in the eighties when I did my military there. The only bar open now is Whities off the main entrance - the main bar is now closed - lots of lang-arm windsurfing done there :-[ :-[.
Also a quick visit the the Hustler shop next door which myself and Kuruman 68 opened some 10 years back, and still going strong!!!!!!
Then a short burst to Parys via a couple of smaller less travelled roads. This place is really becoming a new tourist destination, and there were a number of fellow bikers to be seen all over the place. Dinner was within walking distance from the B&B - 2km, and how nice it is to walk along the banks of a river after dinner with no security concerns - well at least I was not concerned.

Day 2: Parys to Rustenburg via Fochville, Carltonville, Tarlton, Magaliesburg.

Also a lot of this part on tar, but nice quiet roads where I was again able to talk/show the missus some of the tricks of the trade - hope they are all the right ones - at this stage I would please like to again welcome any suggestions/recommendations as to the best way to start a newbie off. (I have never had any formal teaching/training, having just got on and start riding from the age of 16). A nice bruch at one of the number of places in Magaliesburg, followed by a short trip to Rustenburg saw us book into a really nice B&B just outside town at the base of one of the mountains, followed by a short trip around the dirtroads in the area, with a few "technical" sections - level 2 max ;D.

Then off to the local Keg to watch the rugby and then the footy in the evening - there are some strange type there ??? Had to move my sccot at one stage when one of the locals on a harley look-a-like who I had parked next to, fell inside the keg(wearing shorts, T Shirt and slops), picked himself up, and then stumbled towards his bike, and was putting his helmet on when I decided that chances are he was not going to be overly concerned with other bikes nearby. I asked him if he thought he was fit to ride, to which the answer was I just live around the corner! One of the bar staff was also there, and when I asked if they should not take his keys, just said he is always like this!!!! What gives? Any way, he got off OK, with no problems - I think!

A nice quiet ride home in the dark, and on some sandy patches when the wind was starting to pick up made it interesting, and another reminder of things to be aware of for the missus.

Day 3: A nice quiet trip home with no particular route in mind.

Nothing much to report here, other than the comment from the missus that there are so many nice roads out here that we never see ;D. I did not have a GPS, but knew the general direction, and followed my nose, purposly trying to take roads I had not been on before - 150km later we were home, and then I had to start the gardening duties :'( :'( :'(

Round trip of about 600km - nothing hectic, but hopefully a nice learning curve, and a start of more riding for her to come. I do not have the patience to actually teach her to ride, so this will be done through a school, and now I wait.

Anybody been through this with some words of wisdom/criticism to offer - all will be taken in and absorbed - and hopefully get Mrs Pistol on the road.

Next challenge - get a camera, and take some pics!!!!

Thank you
Send her to the BMW Academy at Zwartkops ASAP.
Then look around for a suitable scoot. How tall is she?
One thing to bear in mind, she must WANT to ride.
Thanks ADV - got her the KLE400 - and she likes the feel/size etc - will follow up on Zwartkops
Well done Pistol.

Good start, glad she is observing from the back.
Looking forward to those trips with pics... you went to some places that, if I remember correctly, have not featured in a report yet.  :thumleft: