Hogsbash 4 dogs and a lady d1,d2,d3,d4+5

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Race Dog
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
Bel-in-die-wil Cape Town
KTM 990 Adventure
Ball and Chain, Nicki and Watermat joined me and swmbo on this adventure on Thursday morning. We did a bit of waiting first for swmbo and then for Watermat, eventualy meeting him in Barrydale later.


Waiting at the toll tunnel


Watermat arriving at the Pumpkin place for a breakfast some free port, route 62 sticker and badge. Very good coffee, lekker fat omlette and good company.

Last year we had a big group riding together and had some fun at Ronnies sex shop with a bit of whip cracking and talking big kark to the locals. This year we were a bit subdued, bit took the customary group photo.
Our wilddog buff we all signed last year seems to have dissapeared and the sourfaced old owner seemed not at all sorry. We need to give him a good bite on the shin next time we pull in for a beer



Man and bike is one, the afrikaanse twins ;) ;)

We hit the road to DeRust, up Meirings and on to the first 80km of dirt to Willowmore.


Some big skillies on this road :eek:

After the first lekker piece of dust, it was a cold beer on the Hotel stoep that got us going on the 2nd stretch to Kingsley. This is a road leading in to the Baviaans and then a left branch that goes all the way to Steytlerville.
A quick stop for some petrol and on the road with the shadows chasing. Here B+C took the lead and scared away all the kudu with the capo's twin roar, nearly skinnig a young cow with the left pannier. He acknoledged that poopoe in the pants can not be ruled out :eek: so we made him ride last  ;) the rest of the way to the farm 8)




Actualy does look like he shat is pants  ;D ;D



Sun down 5 k's to go

We had a lekker stay at the hunting lodge, braaied big t-bones, Some of us realy got to know Jonny Walker, later sommer calling him old "jan stap" ::) While some of us had some make believe beer  ;D


Thats the first day
My memory is failing me. Either you or another capie, Droff, don't use alcohol?

Anyway. Eagerly awaiting the rest! :razz:
I'm guilty your honour.

I had some fake beers. Only afterwards I learned about all the Jan Stap B+C had in his pannier.
Ai Gideon, waar was jy, wou jou so graag ontmoet. Ek, jy en Ball&Chain sou 'n goeie span maak...
Blaksam Briv, daais 'n groot sak agterop jou bike! :eek:

Maar dis seker maak hoe mens pak as die SWMBO saamgaan.. ;D

Nice report, show us the rest.
Hey julle ander karkpraters moenie dat ek al die prentjies en goed self doen nie, help my man, gooi julle eerste dae se storie en pics. Tensy julle elk n nuwe eie thread vir jou self will he >:D >:D ;D

Ja Kaboef dis n moerse sak, n moerse lekker sak daai, ek het alles wat ek kon in daarin gepak, die twee kant sakkies zip af dan's dit net die middelste stuk oor waar die swaar goed in is. Hy haal ook maklik af, beter dink ek as panniers op so n trip ;)

I must also say this..... on this trip I got a masters degree in karkpraat in 4 days from my fellow riders, sh!t what a jol ;D
A quick stop for some petrol and on the road with the shadows chasing. Here B+C took the lead and scared away all the kudu with the capo's twin roar, nearly skinnig a young cow with the left pannier. He acknoledged that poopoe in the pants can not be ruled out :eek: so we made him ride last  ;) the rest of the way to the farm 8)

Dit is jammer ek het die eerste jong kudu bul laat wegkom.  Die capo sou goed soos 'n jong j@gse kudubul gelyk het met so 'n kudu oortreksel oor sy seat! ::) ::)
Lekker Briv!
Waar's die res??

Moet se daai AT sal beter lyk met n paar SW-Motech panniers (hint, hint)
Lekka Len and Girt..!!!!!!

OK on with the story,

Early the next morning I took a walk down the farm road to check on the kudu, but found these oke's sleeping lekker below the doringboom in front of the house. Did'nt want to wake them 8) so went in search of the rising sun ;)






After B+C by mistake walked in to my room,  ready to get rid of some poopoe, instead of the toilet, his face expression was somewhat bloated, and he reversed with a pinched walk, reminding me of the leeu loop :eek:
He eventualy reapeared, less all the Jan Stap and talking kark again  ;D

I paid Warren (the farmer) and said hi to Belinda (his wife) and made our way towards Kirkwood on the road with all the kudu. Another lekker piece of dirt with fast sweeps after going through the little pass (Glenconner I think it was)



And then the Sundays river valley were export citrus is farmed. Check their logo ;D


Lekker brekkie was served by this place cheap cheap. A peculiarity I found in these little plattelandse dorpies was the friendlyness and the very, very reasonable prices for their eats, I think we never paid more that R150 bucks for any breakfast and that was for 5 of us  ???


Then it was on to find Watty's route. We got to Zuurberg and up the pass and whala we have the beer place / hotel on the top. Promptly we dismounted and the round was ordered.

After quinching the dors we started the other side of the pass, slow riding twee spoor with beautifull scenery.



Somewhere along the rest of the route was a bit of a verdwaal spul as I was sent down one way and I met up with the group on another route , then Watty's road turned into bush. We then sent the gps's to shortest, quikest, fastest to Hog's.

We met up with Watty group in Bedford and had another cold one before hooking up miena moo for a tar route to Hog's.

Tents up and some kuiering till 12 and then we had the rain come down in buckets. B+C was adament that he was the chosen one as far as the fairies and picsies were conserned, Nicki kept encouraging him and Watermat chukeld under his breath.. what a group ;D ;)



And thats day two
Day 1:
Thursday was a lekker early one, I was awake before the alarm clock, and had time to quickly lube the chain, didn't have time the previous night. This was going to be a good test for the Kappa soft luggage I bought.

After waiting at the tollgate for Watermat, we decided to press on towards Barrydale and briv left him a message. The day's riding was without hiccup, the only problem for me was the KLE's small tank. a few k's outside Montagu I hit reserve, and from experience I knew that I was not going to make Barrydale on a fully laden bike at 130. I told B&C that they must press on, I'll catch up. So I turned back to Montagu to fill up and left for Barrydale. While filling up in Barrydale again, Watermat pulled in. We all had a nice brekkie at the Country Pumpkin, 5 people for R91, including coffee. Don't know how it happened, but it was good.

We hit tar all the way through to Meiringspoort, after which we took dirt to Willowmore. It was great to get off the black stuff. After filling up, I noticed that the luggage had shifted to the one side, and readjusted. The KLE was already precariously balanced on the sidestand due to the load, so one touch of the bag on the left and she promptly fell over. Kablam. I don't know who had the biggest skrik, but the eyes of the petroljoggies were quite big. They almost picked up the bike before I could help. After starting the water and oil lights would not go out, but after a few restarts I revved it a bit, and they went off. phew! Liquid lunch was served, and Oppad arrived. Also met another gent that was on his way from Bloem to George to go big up a grootvark, obviously BMW George also has good service.

We stocked up on steaks and thing to eat, and pushed on towards Steytlerville, and 70kms past Steytlerville was our stop for the night. A lekka braai was had, and B&C soothed the groot kudu skrik with Jan Stap. We laughed so much, I didn't even notice the fake beers over my tea. All too soon it was time to go to bed. It was a great day, my first multiday trip with wilddogs. Being on the KLE I'm always afraid of keeping the big bikes back, or that they would disappear into the distance, but all my fears were laid to rest, these guys indeed are a great bunch to ride with. Not even once did anyone overtake me, we all kept a nice distance.

briv & doormouse, ball&chain, watermat, you guys rock! :thumbsup:

PS I was a bit lazy with the camera, no pics on day 1
Some of my pics

A good watering hole

Briv @ overnight

Mrs doormousehttps://s101.photobucket.com/albums/m73/ZvtCtb/wd%20bash/?action=view&current=WDBash013.jpg

There B+C fixed your prentjies  ;D


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Let me try again:

The terrible twins & Hardus talking kark

Lian,Anda,Watermat,Nicky, Len

Nicky working out an angle to talk kark with Journeyman

Boertjie don't realize how dangerous undiluted Coke is:

Me ,Watermat and Nicky

I think it's Poepoljack & Nardus

The only fairy I saw,  nogal with a cannister of Jan Stap!

A bunch of dogs

Day 3 started of wet and cold with a mist that hung low over the tents and making everything soppy wet. I thought this is going to be a day to remember, is there enough booze for a indoor party ??? But as Hogsback is famouse for having 10 seasons a day the sun jumped out and a moerse lekker day unfolded.



We decide to go for a ride to check the dorpie out, eat some breakfast and of course to find the elusive fairies and picsies B+C wanted to meet so dearly.


The chapel/church


Fresh milk with your coffee, just chase the calf away to get to a teat  ::)

Nicki Watermat and B+C decided to go for the ride up the Katberg, as I had to do the spit thing, had to stay close by, so Anda and I decided to go do the arty route.


Picsies place


Close up


Stone walls

Then it was back to camp to get the hog-and-sheep on to the spit. Yes I had the whole lot on, and was about to light the fire when Fritz stopped me and said that the town, only had 6 bags of brickets left.  :eek:




So thats were I spent the first part of the afternoon ::)

Plan b swung into action and the drum spit was started ;)







The meat was gooood ;D ;D Good plan B there Fritz  ;)

After all had their fill it was the prize story, and then more kark praat and kuier. Thanks for the lekker WD s/steel mug it will be a constant companion on the long roads.


Thats day 3
Day 2:

We woke at sparrows fart, as Kamanya would say, and started packing and had some coffee. Briv paid the owner, and we set off towards Kirkwood via dirt.

The horses' stable for the night

Our stable for the night

Packed and getting ready

We had a lekker brekkie in Kirkwood, and then set off towards Zuurberg. Ball&Chain had a little moment with the first sand we encountered in a corner, we just saw some snake marks coming past.


Somewhere up Zuurberg, just before the Zuurberg Inn, where we stopped for some refreshment.





We met up with Watty's crowd in Bedford, and shared some laughs over a beer. Also found out about all the casualties of the day: Watty, BeemerMan, Boertjie. They all departed via gravel to Hogs, but we decided to skiet along the tar, we've had enough gravel for the moment. MienaMoo joined us.

It was a very nice surprise to ride into the mountain, and into Hogsback, the smell of the rainforest was so nice. We pitched tents, and watched as one after another the WildDogs pulled in.



