Hosting some fellow GS'ers from the UK..........

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
Well, well - seems te Ride Report I did a few months back - really did it for Dave and his wife Katie!

This report was posted on athe forum.......  some PR for SA!

see here:

Dave contacted me via the forum and asked for some info and advice - they were going to be travelling to Mauritius and decided to do a stop in Cape Town........

Of course I can help and advise......... :biggrin:

So last week Friday evening at 5pm - I get the call that Dave and Katie have arrived in Cape Town and were staying at the Cape Grace Hotel in the Waterfront. A meet and greet was arranged at the famous whiskey bar......... The Bascule ( - where they have over 500 whiskey's available for your pleasure.......   ;)

We got on like old mates (must be the biking thing) and it turned out to be a really small world......... not only were these two in the same industry as my wife........ Dave knew Grizz and Maverick on the forum as well........... and also used to frequent the Eynsford meets.......   8)

So - formalities out of the way........ we decided to go for a seafood dinner where another mate of mine and his wife joined as well.

This was going to be a whirlwind 2-day tour for them to get a taster of the Cape and the scenery............. as well as the riding!
My wife and I would spend the first day with them - and the Sunday morning shift would be handled by my good friend Keith and his wife Jilly........... after which we'd again meet up to take over as it was Keith's son's birtday and they could only spare half of Sunday!

After saying our goodbyes for an early night's rest (they had a tiring flight) ..... we agreed to meet at 08:30 the next morning when we'll go and collect the GS that Dave had hired from a mate of mine - Jorg Vogel (CAPE BIKE TRAVEL - also supplies the rental bikes for Charley Boorman's tours)

Early morning - posing at the Cape Grace Hotel

...... then off to collect the bike - Jorg giving the instructions as to how to operate his bike........... yes "his"  bike - to ensure nothing went wrong, his personal bike was made available to Dave! Nice fellow  :thumleft:

Dave - grinning like a Cheshire cat......

......... we collected my wife Jen at home where she plied us with croissants and coffee in preparation of the day's riding. The weird thing was that the weather was overcast with a 1mm rainfall predicted for the morning........... made the two Brits feel right at home!   :thumleft:

The route planned was from Cape Town around the Peninsula via Simonstown and afterwards to see the Penguins at Boulders - then Cape Point - with a ride via the famous Chapman's Peak through Houtbay and then coastal route back into town.

Now I have to mention that Cape Town showed her best dress on the Friday when the McKelvey's arrived - I was so glad they saw the Table Mountain in all it's glory...... the rain therefore was a bit of a disappointment.......... but we just soldier'd on with the hope that it would clear sooner rather than later.

So riding along the coast we eventually hit Simonstown - this was a Royal Navy base during WW2, which was handed over to the SA Navy when the Brits left............. so one of the places Dave wanted to visit for the history side.

So riding into Simonstown - I got chills down my spine........... the streets were absolutely covered and lined with bunting - we'd arrived on St George's Day!!

The weather, the town, the flags and music all screamed their welcome to Dave and Katie ............  (all planned by me of course :clap :augie)  

Dragon boat races were also one of the events..........

the bikes were given VIP parking on the pier - great as the place was packed with visitors  :thumleft:

We met up with an old local tour operator that overheard me telling Dave about a Great Dane named "Just Nuisance"  that was a RN rating during the war. Dave thought I was having him on.......... :biggrin: - but the chap confirmed the story - so off we went to show our visitors the memorial to this dog!

The story of Just Nuisance can be read here if interested:

The Penguins were next (I'll let Katie provide the cute & cuddly pics on their RR)

........... and then it was off to Cape Point Nature Reserve


good roads inside the reserve.........

The posers pic!

and the pic everyone should have - at the Cape of Good Hope

.............. next it was off to find some animals - now that the touristy stuff was completed............   :thumleft:

Cape Point Nature Reserve does indeed have animals. (
However you need to know where and at what time they would be around to allow themselves to be viewed.
Some days you get lucky - others you just don't see a thing..................

One bit of advice here for visitors to South Africa.
If you are planning on doing the game reserves etc - have a serious look at the WILD CARD initiative offered here............ the card will give you full free access to all the Parks in SA - and what's more - you know that the funds that you pay for the card - goes straight to Conservation and not into some grubby paws of a corrupt officials or politicians.

Suggested Cards would be the International All Parks Cluster @ R1670.00 (£100.00) for the Individual or R 2670.00 (£150.00)for a couple - THIS is by far the best one to go for .......... free access to Kruger National Park is included....   :thumleft:

More info on the WILD CARD here:

Dave and Katie were not to be amongst the latter group!

From the minute they arrived - EVERYTHING just fell into place...... the weather was actually great - even if you admit that the splattering of rain was just there as part of the Simonstown celebrations to make these two feel at home!

Dave and Katie treated us to a meal at the Cape Point Restaurant.

"Buyer Beware" is a term that should be used here and altered ..... to "Foreign Tourist Beware"
Although the food is magnificent - you will be taken advantage of and prices are exhorbitant .

My Yellowtail fish delight

Katie's Salmon tartare

Jenni's Calamari

..... so sorry Dave - it seems the pic of your Seafood soup failed...!

..... we decided not to leave the Reserve yet, there were two area's still to visit.......

Buffels Bay is a small area that has a stunning beach and is also one of the few places in the Cape Peninsula that allows you to make a fire for a braai (barbeque) along the coast, which is actually one of the best places indeed.

The first sign of the animals, was this good looking Ostrich....... (these are seriously tasty.... they make very nice Biltong (jerky) and their meat is really nice and lean - I think Waitrose and M&S sell it in the UK) :p

Couple of locals............

This little sheite...... proceeded to do just that....... as he got up to walk away he dropped a massive turd in the road as if to tell us what he thought of us....

............ the lack of respect for tourists was obvious..........

We reached Buffel's Bay - Dave and Katie were posing for a pic... when this fellow strolled into the pic!

left the area and rode down another road to the opposite side of the Reserve....... Olifantsbos (Elephant's Bush) is also a surfer's paradise.......  but obviously we were after more animals......

LUCK was definitely on our side...........


...... and Bontebok

we were also fortunate to catch a glimpse of the Eland herd before they disappeared behind some foliage...

we then decided to leave Cape Point and make our way via the coast towards Scarborough & Misty Cliffs.......... a nice ride that would take us past Kommetjie and the famous Slanghoek Light House.

Chapmans' Peak drive was a must towards Hout Bay for some coffee..........

The viewpoint at the top of Chapmans Peak looking back towards Houtbay

Evening was drawing near and we needed to get back to the hotel - the end of Dave and Katie's first day on the bike......... sore bum & all!  :thumb

The second and last day to follow........... on the menu would be Cheetah's  :)
Unfortunately my wife and I were not able to join Dave & Katie for the early first part of Sunday morning, and our good friend KeithK and his wife Jilly rose to the occasion to take over and sort them out until we could join them at mid day!

The group got together at the SPIER Winefarm where we knew they had the Cheetah Outreach Program that was recently televised about in the UK. We soon found out that the Outreach had moved to new premises and are no longer situated here...

First order of business was to have a few cold refreshing drinks.... and get to know each other!

Inside the restaurant and wine tasting area - this mural caught my eye........ the whole thing is made from small beads...... stunning work!!

The Cheetah Outreach is a phenomenal place that has a full breeding program to help stem the dwindling numbers still in the Wild. Even the Anatolian Shepherds are bred here for distribution to farmers where Cheetah's are still shot that attack livestock.... and these dogs protect the livestock without the need to now shoot the Cheetah.

If you ever visit Cape Town - THIS is a place worth visiting and supporting!

The Outreach also houses a variety of other animals that make the outing worthwhile ........

Bat-eared Fox

Anatolian Shepherd

Rooikat (Caracal)

Black-Backet Jackal

I will post a few of the pics - however I'm sure that Dave will add more in his RR....

............ and the happy couple - grinning better than the cats after their encounter...

A ride back to Cape Town was done at a leisurely pace - then we took them to Campsbay Beach for an ice-cream and to watch a fantastic sunset....

Table Mountain bathed in light.

The Twelve Apostles stretching from Campsbay down towards Llundudno

Seated for the performance.....  :thumb


me & the missus...

All too soon the evening and indeed the McKelvey's visit was over.
Dinner at the Waterfront was great and then a cuppa at the hotel and it was time to say our farewells!

Dave & Katie - it was an absolute honour & pleasure to meet and host you guys over here. We look forward to your planned long-visit, where we could once more load up the 2-wheels and some some serious touring.
Hopefully the taster you guys enjoyed - has left a positive impression over all the negative normally heard via the media.

Have a safe and relaxing journey onwards to Mauritius and back to the UK

See you soon

Peter & Jenni  :thumb
Nice one and well done to show the visitors a bit of our beautiful country.  :thumleft:
just fantastic photo,s really great thank u
Ah grand, lovely pictures of a great part of the world.

Anyone from outside SA needs to know what a brilliant place it is to ride and how easy it is to just fly in, pick up a bike and head off either from Cape Town or Johannesburg/Pretoria.  People couldn't be more friendly and helpful and the riding is easy- although you seldom see people nipping across busy dual carriageways in the UK like they do over there! :biggrin:

After four brilliant fly-rides down there I am hoping to fly out with Mrs 3D and my own bike next April for a four month(ish) tour of SA, Nam, Zam, Botswana, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania and hopefully Uganda, starting in Capetown.  Maybe we'll meet a few Dogs along the way...
Good one Peter...but have they had a braai yet?  :deal:
Pistonpete said:
Good one Peter...but have they had a braai yet?  :deal:

Nope not yet Pete - just did not have enough time during the whirlwind visit..........  however I know they want to come for longer than a month......... THEN there will be braaiing for definite!

The nice thing is that I received this email from Dave this morning!

Hi Peter,

We've really missed you and Jen over the last few days.. - the couple of days we spent together were just the most wonderful experience and we realise now maybe we should have booked longer in Cape Town..and a bit less time here in Mauritius - isn't  hindsight a wonderful thing?

Katie is now completely sold on the trip and we now have something to look forward to.

I'll be in touch when we get back home, to try and evaluate the costs, see whether we can do the trip maybe next year?.. ( mothers permitting )

There will always be a room for you both in Somerset if ever you want to disappear from London for a break...

Just found out the big IBM World Forum conference here on the island is being crewed by UK based techs.. And we know all of them, so the flight home this Friday will be a real hoot!

Love to you both.

Cheers for now


so if nothing else - we hope to have two new converts for visiting SA  :thumleft:  and I'm hoping that when they come over again - they can meet some of the other local Wilddogs as well as some on the trip through SA that they are planning.....  :thumleft:

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