I say no to spietkop bashing

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Race Dog
Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
Western Cape - Somerset West
Guys and gals... I say no to spietkop bashing.

In fact, I say no to any form of abuse of figures of authority. Yes, they need to be responsible, but we cannot contribute to breaking down the relationship between these institutions and the people they serve, while we insist on them becoming more effective. As a citizen of Safefrika that is hugely concerned about our country... specifically the cime problem and general lawlessness. I say that this is a culture problem that can only change if every one of us start with ourself. Is it not ultimate hypocracy if you insist that others obey the laws of this country and you think that you have the right to obey only those that you choose? If you want to live in a society where people have respect for each other and respect for the laws, regulations and rules of our world, should each of us not set an example?

What has this to do with general bike related stuff?? Well, I got my license on Friday... yes, with the Varadero and without any problems. The test was actually easy and the traffic office staff of Hermanus test centre exceptionally friendly and professional. I took my Vara to Helderberg Honda and asked them for an opinion about the pipes, they thougt it was OK and the test officers did not say anything about it either. In fact I was given my test score sheet and on that one, the bike was declared roadworthy. As it was suggested to me, I would pass on the advice. Do the test on a bike that you are fimiliar with. If you can handle your bike, you do not need to go to a driving school. The tests are practical and there is some tolerance for minor errors. There really is no reasone for anybody not to take the effort to ride unlicenced. Yes, it takes time and is a pain to get appointments, but just do it.

This brings me to another subject... also related  to the above. My bike's license disc was stolen off the bike while it was parked at Ratanga Junction on Friday... luckily after the license test. It was there when I parked there, I did not check when I got back to the bike, because it was pitch dark. I immediately noticed that it was gone when I arrived back at home. I do not believe that it could have just fallen off, because it was there for 5 months up to that morning and still well fixed when it was checked that morning. I obviously reported this to the Police, because I now expect another lawless biker to fit a number plate with my number on it, and the ride like an asshole... running up a few fines for me... which will cause me endless k@k with the authorities. Makes me think that we bikers also play this game called "naai-jou-maatjie". Time will tell.

Glad to have passed the test, but really gatvol of the fact that my disc was stolen and sick and tired for people that are forever bashing the very people they expect to uphold the laws of of fragile country.

Boertjie signing off for now


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