Is Falling Looked Upon As In-Experience?

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Adventure MX

In the many years that I have been involved with Off-Road riding, I am still to come across a rider that hasn't fallen off his bike.
We all started off being newbies and hopefully progressed to being more experienced riders.  I would say that it is almost a given that when you start learning to ride off-road you will fall, as the lack of experience could not prepare you for what years of riding can teach you.  As with everything, all you need is time and plenty of hours in the saddle to fix this problem.

However, when do we tell ourselves that our riding capabilities are now at a point where we are not classified as newbies anymore.  Is it the amount of hours we spend in the saddle?  The amount of hard core trips we do? Or how many times we can ride up and down "Long Rocks" at De Wildt without falling?

So when an experienced rider takes a tumble do we look at it from a point that he took a risk most of us wouldn't have done and it didn't pay off or was it more a case of bad judgement and a lack of in-experience as he should have known that trouble was in the making.  Or is it more of a case where we know we are setting ourselves up for a fall, for example when we ride thick sand, and inevitably you know you are going down, the question is just when.

So is falling part of the Off Road game or do we need to hone our skills some more?

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