JHB - 14th December - Newbies

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Any Wild Dogs want to join for a ride around the outskirts of De Wildt next weekend?
I know many routes along with rest stops and can make it really chilled to suit everyone.

Meeting at the Engen/Wimpy at the dam and then taking a lesuirely ride along the N - canal till we branch off and hit 3 fences area.
We will skip Brits via tar and get to the bush asap.

Canals - roads - more canal - bridge - drinks stop- short tar - De Wildt proper at the "moonscape" aka "MX section"
Here we can stop and chat about off camber dirt and even venture into a few sections with soft sand to learn a little.
We will spend the most time riding around this section as there are tons of easy up and down trails to follow. Some sandy patchs to either ride around or practice skills on. This area is really big and we will be in the sticks for real.

Then we can hit dirt roads to see a lot more of the area, showing you how it all links up (when you ride an offroad bike you get a different idea of distances and a warped perspective of the layout.)

Once we have a another rest stop we can decide on the plan from there.  I'm open to inputs.
This is big bike / newbie friendly and will be a great way to meet some dogs before the holiday season hits us.