Jozi to Durbs via the Berg - WHAT A RIDE!!

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Race Dog
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
Suzuki DR650
Howzit all

I returned from Durbs to Jozi on Wednesday - knackered!!

Here's a vid of the trip down - mostly in the Berg area:

I left at around 9am on Tuesday the 17th and made my way to the old Vereeniging road, feeling both exhilirated and a little scared. I then scooted off to Heilbron and on to Reitz. The road deteriorated badly as I approached the Berg area. Potholes were a dime a dozen. I kept the dr at around 90kph. My butt started hurting like crazy from Heilbron onwards!

The Oliviershoek Pass was spectacular. Translucent blue waters on my right and precipitous drops to my left. The twisty descent has a few  truly massive potholes and impatient drivers. I took it real slow and at one stage was passed by a looney truck driver (see my vid). I was a little shaky at the bottom of the pass and the shakes persisted until I reached Bergville. Stopped for some nosh (so-so). It was getting latish, so I started looking for a place to dos. Didn't like the look of Bergville - so I ventured forth (Eish!!) to Winterton and eventually found a BnB (The Kingfisher - see pic). Pretty basic, but well run, clean and friendly. Lekker dos.

Next day I left at 7am intending to skirt the berg toward Underberg. I headed off for Cathedral Peak. Again, plenty potholes - but I was taking it real slow so no problemo! The roads and the views were gobsmackingly beautiful. What a fantastic place to ride!! I crossed a mild mudmonster en route and it got me thinking about how wise it would be to ride dirt roads with numerous river crossings with a bike that has a range of around 200Ks. Basically I chickened out.

Chilled at the side of the road near Cathedral Peak and then turned back toward Winterton. Gooi-ed from Winterton south toward Mooiriver and from there on the old Durbs road. Got lost a few times - most notably in a township just north of Durbs, where some cool cops chilling by side of the road helped me out. They led me back to the main track.

I eventually arrived in Durbs - poked!

Chilled at my boets spot for five days and then headed back on Wednesday. Decided to take the N3. Left at 5.30 am in an attempt to escape the traffic. Jeezuz - the N2 was a frigging nightmare, even at that time. Worse as to come. The N3 in the Pinetown area was covered in mist as usual. Visibility at around 20 metres. Bliksem! I slowed to 60 and rode in the yellow line - watching for pedestrians. I eventually broke out of the hellish fog and could relax (check the pic of the concrete N3 with the mist in the background).

The rest of the return trip was pure pleasure. I stopped every 160Ks for fuel and coffee. Four stops in total. Around ten hours total time. Averaged 100 all the way - climbing onto the pegs to rest my butt on safe straight stretches.

But getting into to Jozi was a nightmare with the numerous merges on the N3 into the city. Next time around I'll find back roads out of or into the cities.

All in all a wonderful experience. I've gained a lot of confidence out of this and seen some parts of our beautiful country first hand.

Things I'll change for the next trip:

1) A Garmin. Screw the Camel Men. A garmin is an essential safety accessory. Period.
2) A few other riders - in case something goes south. Solo riding has its definite attractions - but also risks.
3) An IMS tank?? Not sure about this tho'. I coped fine in the developed parts of this country with my stingy 13l tank

Oh - here's a question. I've got an ache in my right elbow after the ride. Any others had similar aches. Funnily enough my butt held up fine  ???

Here's some pics (clickable thumbnails):

Glad you made it safely and enjoyed it Jenks!  :thumleft:

Im on Local Bandwidth only at moment, will check out your Vid once I get some Cap again!  :mwink:
Right elbow pain is caused by leaning on the bar while holding and drinking your pint, normally sets in after 3 or 4.

Or so I've been told.....
great stuff jenks :) - looks like you had a good trip :thumleft:
Welcome back and nice ride :thumleft:

Get -

1. GPS - 60 CX or CSX (trust me :mwink:)
2. 18 litre oversize tank
3. Airhawk cushion

In that order :biggrin:
Cracker said:
Right elbow pain is caused by leaning on the bar while holding and drinking your pint, normally sets in after 3 or 4.

Or so I've been told.....

That's funny!!  :imaposer:
sillystunt said:
whats with the  red life jacket?  :ricky:

It's all the rage on north beach. Armoured jackets and speedos. Buy a set now, they're selling fast  O0
Kykdaar said:
Welcome back and nice ride :thumleft:

Get -

1. GPS - 60 CX or CSX (trust me :mwink:)
2. 18 litre oversize tank
3. Airhawk cushion

In that order :biggrin:

Hey thanks Kykdaar

I suppose that's a garmin?? The 18 litre would make a big difference. I was average about 4litres per 100km on the highway and around 4,6 in the city. So the 18 litre would work out to 400kms!
