Kaapsehoop ... a much needed escape

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Nice one... a bit of concern though.... was the pancake either very nice... or very kark.... you only stopped 6min 39 sec.
Or was the place empty and the waitron very efficient.... or did they have one that was just microwaved for you....?

Lekker report & pics... loved it all!  ;)
Thanks Colyn.
I am sitting in front of my PC green with envy. I know those corners so well, and the pancakes, I can really recommend the Bar One Suprise with extra cream (Large size of course)

How's the funnt people at Kaapsehoep, the scare my daughter everytime we go there.

Great report


Thanks for the comments.

@ GoosePilot ... ;) ... I switched the unit off when I parked at Kaapsehoop ... the stop time you see on the shot is when I stopped in town to get some smokes on the way back.