Kimberley to Stellenbosch, via the Karoos

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Race Dog
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
BMW R1150GS Adventure
Having had to rush up north to my parents near the end of last week, I decided to use some of my remainder free time on the way back to do some exploring.

Day 1: Christiana to Carnarvon
... via N12 to Kimberley, R64 to Griquatown, R313 to Prieska, and R386 to Carnarvon

Day 2: Carnarvon to Jansenville
... via unnamed road to Loxton, R381 (Molteno Pass) to Beaufort West, R61 to Aberdeen, R338 to Klipplaat, and unnamed road to Jansenville

Day 3: Jansenville to Port Alfred
... via R75/R400 to Grahamstown, R57 to Port Alfred

Day 4: Port Alfred to Stellenbosch
... via N2 to Humansdorp, R62 to Avontuur, R339 (Prince Alfred's Pass) to Knysna, N2 to Somerset West and on to Stellenbosch.
Day 1
First stop was at Sovereign Motors in Kimberley for a new rear tyre. Having properly used up the old Anakee rear fighting a head-wind on the way up, I was hoping they would be able to source a Maxxis Presa Detour for me, but no such luck so settled for a Tourance. (Very friendly people at Sovereign - if you're ever in Kimberley look them up and chat with Natashia... :))


Sovereign Motors, Kimberley

Straight and boring 140-odd km tar road stretch to Griquatown (Griekwastad), where I checked the map before heading for the first gravel section. Didn't quite get the start of the gravel road, but you can just make out the start of the dirt off to the right of the picture... 99km of dirt -  ;D


Start of R313 to Prieska from Griquatown


The long - dirty! - road forward Note the nice clean rims...



More of R313

Missed taking a photo of Niekerkshoop - actually passed it altogether before I could make up my mind whether to stop or not!

Then I came across this little gem of a poort. The area just before and after the poort had some nice hills with sweeping gravel bends - pleasant riding... :)


Poort on R313 just before Prieska

Filled up in Prieska in anticipation of the 150-odd km uninterrupted gravel road to Carnarvon. Did this section in the heat of the day, and ended up being most grateful for the water-bladder I'd acquired and decided to try out.


R386 behind me...


...and R386 ahead of me.

The clouds were gathering, but in reality the area is drought stricken, about to be declared a drought disaster area... Whilst taking these photos a farmer came past in his bakkie. Shortly after passing me he stopped, then reversed back to check that I was okay. Friendly people these Karoo farmers. :)


Karoo bossies under fluffy clouds

Filled up again in Carnarvon before heading out to the farm I was staying on. Notice how much character those clean rims from earlier have acquired... :)


Filled up in Carnarvon

Happily dragged my weary bones off the pony when I reached the farm. Pretty much 8 hours in the saddle, with at least 300km of dirt for the day. (I'd also gone water-skiing for the first time in 15 years the before I left Christiana - and my muscles were telling me all about it!)

Some pictures for the end of day 1:

No guessing which way the wind was blowing all day...


The farm owner - Danie - enjoying a little ride on the Pig

Danie is looking to open up his farm for DS trails (more on that later in a different thread), and took me on a little trail he'd already developed. I was concentrating too much on the riding to take pics of the track, but here are some from a hill at the end of the ride.


View from top of koppie


From same koppie as the previous shot, but looking in opposite direction


Pig in sand...


The trusty steed


Main farmhouse at dusk, as seen on the way back from the trail


A worker's house at sunset
Day 2
Although Day 2 started early enough, I first had to enjoy a hearty Karoo breakfast before heading off. Chops and mielie-pap for breakfast - how I miss the days of growing up on a farm!

Followed directions from the farmhouse to get to Loxton: "Take the road to left 14 km from here, travel for 18 km then take the junction to the right. Straightaway there'll be a turn-off to the left - it's signposted Loxton, that's where you want to be..." And so it was.


Road to Loxton

Followed this kind of surface to Loxton, where I waved to the cops and kids, before almost getting lost finding my way to the next bit of dirt road...


En route to Loxton

Exiting Loxton onto the R381, and suddenly there were another 99 km of fine gravel road to traverse. How can a day get better? Well, the surface of this road was better than some of the tar I've travelled the last few days. On one stretch I was happily powering along at 120km/h, and felt I could do more if I'd wanted to.


Start of road to Beaufort West

On some sections of the road you topped a rise find a bowl of Karoo spread out in front of you...


Karoo bowl

In Molteno Pass.


Molteno Pass

Beaufort West was a quck pit stop before tackling the road to Aberdeen. Although I'd thought of trying to R306 gravel route toward Jansenville, I scuppered this idea when I spotted a thunderstorm brewing behind me. Thinking to outrun it I opted for the faster, tarred R61 to Aberdeen.

Now if only the company I work for had their headquarters in this Aberdeen... :)



I didn't quite outrun that thunderstorm after all.


Stalking thunderclouds

Did avoid it though, by not taking any more photos until I got to Jansenville. Checked into the hotel there, and just after I'd unloaded the chariot it started raining. Fortunately the bike was protected so not much of it's hard-acquired character was washed off... :)
Day 3
A fairly short day, with only about 200km of dirt riding to show for it. This was the best day's riding though - all new territory for me, with some sights that kept me smiling in happiness for many miles. (None of them captured on film though, these were all riding moments..)

The dawned all cloudy, and was destined to remain that way.


Low clouds


R400 running away


Over hill and through dale

Not captured on film was a warthog family running into the bush as I puttered past them. My first "live" warthog sighting, quite a thtill... :) With all sorts of signs warning against stopping I wasn't keen to find out if I was the cause of the tail-in-the-air flight, or something a bit more stealthy than me.

Arrived in Port Alfred in time for lunch, and managed to get a good deal on a chalet in a caravan park. R250 for me for the night - normal price R800 for the chalet. On rare occassions travelling alone does have advantages. :)


The chalet in Port Alfred


View from the chalet porch
Day 4
Pretty much a "nose to the wind and head home" day. Turned off the N2 onto the R62 in the hope of losing the headwinds, Did so for a while, but then the Prince Alfred Pass signage caught my eye...

Ignoring the "Closed" signs blocking the road at Avontuur, I carried on up the Pass. Passed two other bikers (my first bikes seen in four days of travel...), a Dakar and a CTX200. Sadly didn't get to stop and chat - by now I'd realised that I was running late if I wanted to get home before sunset, so had to scooter on.


Prince Alfred Pass bikers

The floods badly damaged to road. The road had been repaired, but you could still see debris piled up all over.


Flood debris piled against bridge


Same bridge

I quite enjoyed Prince Alfred Pass, although it was hard work, especially toward to the end. Potholes, ditches, loose gravel and rocks, mud and sand, sharp corners, corrugated corners... Think I need to work on the fitness level to enjoy all that properly...! :)


Looking back along the river


The road along the hills


Windy road

Soon it was the end of the pass though. I then came across an abandoned building before entering the Knysna forests, so had to take some pictures... :)


Abandoned building


A framed Pig



After finding my way to Knysna where I had a quick bite, I sped my way home. Rode into Stellenbosch just on 20:00, did a quick round of town - which seemed awfully crowded for this time of the year! - and switched the computer on for a WD fix. :)

Plenty of happy riding moments from this trip, just enough to stay happy with as I head to work on the 18th... :)
Awesome! Lots of roads still I still need to be ride. Thanks for the report!!
Ja, ou Danie is 'n ou bekende hier in Worcester en Breerivier. Seker die man wat die meeste lag wat ek nou al tee gekom het.
Some really nice roads there man!

I do see now why you're called lonerider though.. :D
Ektoknbike said:
Ja, ou Danie is 'n ou bekende hier in Worcester en Breerivier. Seker die man wat die meeste lag wat ek nou al tee gekom het.

Dit klink soos dieselfde man! Nog nooit heeltemal vir te lank ongelukkig gesien nie...

Hoor hy soek nou ook bike - blykbaar gister KLR gaan toetsbestuur.
MrBig said:
I do see now why you're called lonerider though.. :D


For my sins, yes. :)

Might have to learn to spend shorter days in the saddle, and plan trips a bit more in advance.

But it is so much fun just being on the gravel roads, going somewhere for miles on end... :)
topbox said:
lonerider said:
The trusty steed

i like !

Hah - that's because you recognise the topbox on the back! *grin* Just kidding.

Thanks, I'm rather partial to the shot myself, worked out better than I'd thought at the time.
lonerider said:
Ektoknbike said:
Ja, ou Danie is 'n ou bekende hier in Worcester en Breerivier. Seker die man wat die meeste lag wat ek nou al tee gekom het.

Dit klink soos dieselfde man! Nog nooit heeltemal vir te lank ongelukkig gesien nie...

Hoor hy soek nou ook bike - blykbaar gister KLR gaan toetsbestuur.

Net, net, net.
Worcester Kollege geswat saam met my buurman. Hy en Skaamhaai, Dirk, Piet Sos is boesim vriende.
Hulle het eers in Rawsonville geboer, mooi sister wat baie goed tennis gespeel het. Ai, die goeie ou dae.
Klink my jy moet gaan kuier! :) Ek wag nog net vir antwoord van hulle, gaan dan 'n thread post oor wat hy wil doen op die plaas.
Wow you do some long runs.  Took me 3 days to get from about Port Alfred to Cape Town.
"Karoo bowl", nice photo & nice description
tok-tokkie said:
Wow you do some long runs.  Took me 3 days to get from about Port Alfred to Cape Town.

I'd have preferred 2-3 days for the return journey, and a few more days in the early part of the trip. Lack of time dictated though - regularly cursed the bureaucrats in Pretoria for delaying my visa application an extra two weeks.

"Karoo bowl", nice photo & nice description

Thanks. There was indeed something evocative about the scenes in that part of the world...