KLR goes where I never thought it would go!

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Race Dog
WD Vendor
Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
KTM 1190 Adventure
So I set off on my little HardCore ride today. I found some nice single spoor MX track on the opposite side of the river from Daytona.
Some serious technical stuff for a non MX bike. I had a ball! The KLR astounded me, as long as I had total faith in the bike I got up and down places I would battle to walk up. I didn't take my camera and was way too busy to take many pictures on my cell. The only pics I took was after making this insane hill, loads of lose rocks and some vertical sections that the KLR ramped up. I was so shocked at making it I turned around and took some pictures.



That last section is as near as vertical as you can get

Never thought i would have so much fun on such crazy terrain!

Haaaaishhh Jules

That's a mean hill - well done
Just goes to show - no matter what you ride, with a bit of confidence you can do wonders

Great !!  :)
Julesdo you have a screw loose??

Only joking, well done mate, I wouldn't take that on ;D


Yeah - not saying about anyone's capability, but I think overall our bikes are better than what our confidence will allow...

On the other hand, in the hands of a skilled rider you can do most anything with any bike.

It does take some mucho cahoonies and skill to tackle a hill like that - well done.

Silly question Jules.

What is writing off two KLRs in one month in one family going to do to your future insurability?  ???

Were I in the insurance game I would not like to be your underwriter.

A jewish friend has a good name for riding that hill - "meshuggenah"

eish - rather you than me !
Well done.
You will be surprised what a good rider can do on a KLR.
GundaGunda said:
Silly question Jules.

What is writing off two KLRs in one month in one family going to do to your future insurability?  ???

Were I in the insurance game I would not like to be your underwriter.

A jewish friend has a good name for riding that hill - "meshuggenah"

eish - rather you than me !

We have been with outsurance for 4 years and never laid a claim as we were the type of people that would rather pay the small items our selves and recoup some money from the outbonus, Since my bike accident happened 2 days before we were supposed to receive said bonus and they were very quick to take it away even though the accident was not my fault I have changed my mind and will not be hesitant to claim as I was. Also my accident was not my fault and it is the first claim we have ever made to O/S I don't think it will go up too much just yet.

Thanks for the good comments folks, I still look at the pictures and think Noooit! but I was just in the right frame of mind on Sunday.

The thing is there is a hill just to the right of this one thats about twice as steep........

Ama ride ride said:
Lekker lekker.....

Where on your bike did you install the winch?

...there is an O ring at the back of his KLR with a sticker "BM attach here"  ;D ;D