I've done about 150km on a new Kenda K270. Today was the first time I managed to hit the freeway.
At over 100kph on certain sections of the freeway there's a slight jiggling from the rear. This does not happen all the time though. You can feel it in the handlebars and it almost feels like a tankslapper. Preload is set to 2 and rebound around the middle of the range. These settings have been set like this for months now.
Is it just the new tyre bedding in or do I need to adjust something?
At over 100kph on certain sections of the freeway there's a slight jiggling from the rear. This does not happen all the time though. You can feel it in the handlebars and it almost feels like a tankslapper. Preload is set to 2 and rebound around the middle of the range. These settings have been set like this for months now.
Is it just the new tyre bedding in or do I need to adjust something?