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DR BIG 750

Race Dog
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
Suzuki DR 750S Big
I bought a 450 about 18mnths plus ago. Anyway have not really rode it,  took it out and has been overheating very quickly,
1st short ride smelled hot and noticed some water around the weep hole area. then this weekend did a Lions river enduro, 1 st morning about 20 min into the ride sarted boiling, was still cold and we were moving along at enough speed for good air flow through rads. started on a steep climb I went up 1st then watched my son come up, thats when i saw the steam. any got to the top switched off, and loaded it on bakkie and i went back to pits,  cooled down fired up no problem a bit later, boil bottle still full and the radiator water was still above the core only took about 100ml of water to fill up. all the water blowing was around the head on waterpump / exhaust side of motor,  no water in the oil. , still no idea where it comes from , might need to ride again and look when it is clean , try and see where. will check impellor. any other ideas...