Koo Karoo cucu

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Race Dog
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Toon - TransAlp XL650V 2004
Honda NC750X
Took a short holiday between trips for the work. Of course I did a trip on the bike.
On my last Karoo trip there was a T junction in the middle of nowhere that I wanted to revisit - to see where the other road went naturally.
I headed out on the N1 and for a change, just to know what it is like I went through the Du Toitskloof toll tunnel. Now I know why I prefer the long way - good clean air and wonderful scenery! That is why I ride in the first place!

I stopped at my usual place - the Trout farm. Man I love mountains!


I continued to Montagu, stopping for a bit, here and there.


Out of Montagu I rode over the Ouberg pass. On the way up, I saw a little animal walking in the road. Puzzled as to waht it could be, with such an unusual gait, I stopped as it slowly approached. It turned out to be an ugly puppy! A very young dog - possibly an Alsatian bloodline featured in it's genes. It was probably just old enough to feed itself and very dirty. I stood still as it passed me, my heart aching to take it home/feed it something/ whatever - but I had no food with me and besides - this is what dogs are made for - the hard life - not the pampered life of a fluffy poodle!


The surface of the road was for the most part hard but with a film of white dust, quite thick in places especially around the bends - this made riding quite interesting! Of the many low water bridges only one had a trickle of water. This surprised me as we had had rain a few days earlier and I expected some water crossings like last time.

The road was quite busy (for a gravel road that is) and all too soon I found the T junction and headed along it to Koo. It joined the R318 just before Rooihoogte and I headed back to Montagu, through Rooihoogte and the Burgers pass, mindful of the last time I had ridden this road and the events that followed.

I stopped at the top of the pass for a rest and to drink in the view! Such a pity that we live in such a beautiful country and go to such lengths and expense to dump so much litter in the beautiful places! I do not understand it!


Almost in (about 10km from) Montagu I spied this interesting looking gravel road on the left - and what an interesting road it was.
This is where I turned back - the sign said ?Private? - I always respect another person?s privacy!


Looking at the road I was about to re-trace.


It seemed to go on forever.


Looking back.


A thouroughly enjoyable ride.

I had provided for the possibility of sleeping out the night but it was still early so I proceeded home, arriving in the dark, having ridden from Worcester with the sun in my eyes.
Once again exploring all the less know roads :) . Thanks for the report and pics.
Nice one droffie! Certainly showing the other Capetonians, incl myself how it should be done!

Welcome back!
Nice one Droff!

Thought you had forgotten the wild dogs. Your trips reports was like a weekly regular. :wink: Welcome back! 8)
JourneyMan said:
...Thought you had forgotten the wild dogs. Your trips reports was like a weekly regular. :wink: Welcome back! 8)

Unfortunatelee my circum - stances have been circum - vented, not sized! and I dont have the Hinter-njet so I cannot even spend the evenings browsing :(

In the morrow I leave for to spend a weak week in Carnaville - sorry Carnarvawn ! A HOLE weak! And I dont even drink so I cannot spend too much time in da bar regardless of the collection they have!

By the time I gets my body home for the weekend I have min lus to go on trips. :roll:

But a good ride is worth sharing :wink:
+1 with kev :)
the name of the trip made me think of this, sure you'll know it :wink:

"Sitting on a cornflake waiting for the van to come
Corporation teeshirt, stupid bloody Tuesday
Man you been a naughty boy. You let your face grow long
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen
I am the walrus, goo goo goo joob"