KZN - Sun Mar1 2009 - Valley - Ndwedwe to 'Maritzburg.

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
I have to do a trip to Durban week of 2nd March, so was thinking of caging down with bike for the weekend riding on Sun March 1st.

I have been chatting with Postbox in another thread and he is quite keen do ride the Valley of 1000 Hillsand happy to show him a back way I know up the Valley.

Tentative plan.
- Up through Verulam, past Hazelmere dam to Ndwedwe on tar.
- Down into the Valley and down the Mhloti to Inanda dam.
(The viewsites on Mtabatula and Matata (Nanda) are worth stop-offs if you don't know them)
- Up the Mgeni to Nagle dam.
- Further up the Mgeni and 'Dusi, Round the back of Table Mountain to PMB
- Own arrangements home. 

Durban to Verulam 27Km - Tar
Verulam to PMB - 125Km - about 60% gravel.
PMB to Durban 85Km on the old road

So it's not a major run, but the valley is slow - Kids, donkeys and goats.