So got trigger happy on ebay the other day and landed up getting some LED indicators for my F650. The bike does need a couple of mods to fit them and get them working, but fairly simple. No more R350 bills for one replacement indicator after an off. The entire thing cost me less then R200 for all the indicators and a new flasher off ebay!
These indicators are super flexable and bendable, also much more slim then the original.
Mods required:
Here is a link to the dash light mod. I just made the little Y cable with diodes myself. Diodes act as a one way valve for electricity.
These indicators are super flexable and bendable, also much more slim then the original.
Mods required:
- New LED compatible flasher unit fitted, plug and play
- The dash light need to be rewired with 2 diodes. The old wiring uses the opposite side indicator to ground the dash light. this creates a problem when LED's are fitted as their current draw is so low, the flashing goes hay wire.
- Mounting holes where drilled out to 10mm to allow for mounting
Here is a link to the dash light mod. I just made the little Y cable with diodes myself. Diodes act as a one way valve for electricity.